New Rivers and New Sights
My summer plans include a long list of rivers that need exploring. Ever since the first hoomans arrived here in the New World in the 1400s, there have been roamers among the crowds. The history books are full of tales of pioneers like Daniel Boone, John Bozeman, Lewis...

Call Time and Casting Call Win National Awards
The 14,000-member Non-Fiction Author’s Association bestowed Gold Awards for Chris Dorsey’s wingshooting book Call Time and fly-fishing book Casting Call. Call Time was also nominated for the coveted Ben Franklin Award among a field of 1,900 entries from the...

I’ll Point That – Candid Cameron
I point, the bird goes into the air, the hunter shoots — and the hunter misses. I love to point birds, and whether I raise a front or rear leg and point with my nose and a prolonged fixed stare, the obvious result is I point. For you hoomans who think dogs must point...

The Bronze Age of Mike Barlow
Some kids are suited for learning in a classroom, for others education begins when they leave. For six-year-old Mike Barlow, paging through his father’s extensive collection of art books on African wildlife awakened a muse that would lead to his life’s work, and an...

An Honor Among Thieves
He returned to find that someone had broken into his house . . . the only thing missing was the Parker. Red Timmons disappeared while hunting chukar partridge on a cold day in January. According to Sheriff Charlotte Beingasser, he drowned in the Salmon River, a few...

Weary Be the Cat’s Eyes See
Walking silently through the wet snow, I . . . reached the kill site, but another solitary hunter was already there. I have often searched the wilderness for something that is right under my nose. On this day, I had just returned from a grueling backpack hunt deep in...

Air Rifles Continue Hunting’s Quiet Revolution
Air Rifles Continue Hunting’s Quiet Revolution I’ll never forget my first morning deer hunting on public land near my childhood home in southern Wisconsin, a state with more than 600,000 deer hunters. For nine days a year, the state could field the world’s seventh...

Playing the Game – Candid Cameron
It’s a fact of life: dog’s like to fetch. While hoomans often see fetching as a boring game, for dogs running and grabbing goes back, way back, to that wolf era when we had to run down and grab animals, and then pull them down to the ground and begin eating them. It’s...

There In the Man
"And the boy...was he there, Bill?" I hauled off and went squirrel hunting the other day. Not so remarkable, I suppose. Except that the whitetail rut was in full blaze, and bird season was in and it's been a hell of a long time since I've forsaken a prime-time deer...

CZ 600 Bolt-Action Rifle Recall
CZ-USA has recently learned of a potential safety issue with the CZ 600 bolt-action rifles. CZ-USA is voluntarily initiating a recall of these rifles to protect the safety of its customers because of the potential for a catastrophic failure if the barrel is not...