New Rivers and New Sights

New Rivers and New Sights

My summer plans include a long list of rivers that need exploring. Ever since the first hoomans arrived here in the New World in the 1400s, there have been roamers among the crowds. The history books are full of tales of pioneers like Daniel Boone, John Bozeman, Lewis...

Weary Be the Cat’s Eyes See

Weary Be the Cat’s Eyes See

Walking silently through the wet snow, I . . . reached the kill site, but another solitary hunter was already there. I have often searched the wilderness for something that is right under my nose. On this day, I had just returned from a grueling backpack hunt deep in...

There In the Man

There In the Man

"And the boy...was he there, Bill?" I hauled off and went squirrel hunting the other day. Not so remarkable, I suppose. Except that the whitetail rut was in full blaze, and bird season was in and it's been a hell of a long time since I've forsaken a prime-time deer...