Git Out There and Take the Dog

Git Out There and Take the Dog

As you make plans to get outdoors, remember to include your dog. It must be the rules of life in Montana — everyone has a truck and a dog, and where the truck goes the dog goes. I believe Montana leads the nation in trucks on the road with dogs inside. OK, some...

The Time and The Wounded

The Time and The Wounded

A man of lesser conscience would have it easier. Regret and self-hate have plagued Casey every day, almost every waking hour, since the shooting. Casey Ryan's bull elk crowds his study. Not many days had passed since the exciting hunt that he hadn't thought of it....

New Rivers and New Sights

New Rivers and New Sights

My summer plans include a long list of rivers that need exploring. Ever since the first hoomans arrived here in the New World in the 1400s, there have been roamers among the crowds. The history books are full of tales of pioneers like Daniel Boone, John Bozeman, Lewis...