Naming Names

Naming Names

So I wondered do other governors go hunting? Yes, I found a list and now I’m naming names. I like hanging out with other celebrities — like me — and important folks. Governors are on my short list, so I was again surfing the web to the other day in search of treats...

Back the Brave

Back the Brave

Join Trinity Oak on October 21, 2022, at River Ranch Stockyards in Fort Worth, Texas for its “Back the Brave” fundraiser. River Ranch Stockyards is hosting the Trinity Oaks Star Kids (TOSK) program this October.  TOSK is a special program for the children of our...

Old Three Toes

Old Three Toes

"Three Toes," said an old rancher, with a kind of reverence, "is the fastest, longest-winded wolf that ever lived." A smile swept across the craggy, weather-beaten face of Clyde F. Briggs as he read a telegram from the U. S, Biological Survey: "Advise when you can...

Earning My Keep

Earning My Keep

Cameron the Weim — Hat Retriever Extraordinaire! I have written many times that I like hunting, pointing and retrieving birds. It’s the life of a top sporting dog — me. Now comes this new duty — hat retrieving. The other day Mike and I were at a high country lake —...

Life After Death

Life After Death

Poetic justice, I thought — that on the same mountain where I'd shot that bull in the heart before, I got hit in the heart. About mid-morning on a Montana mountainside the guide heard “Cody, just a minute.” He turned to see the hunter lean forward, then fall straight...