Gear for Birdhunters

Gear for Birdhunters

Happy opening day of dove season, America. Across the country, millions of bird hunters celebrate this unofficial holiday of sorts by heading to sunflower patches, milo fields and watering holes to test their wingshooting skills on one of the hunting world’s toughest...

Fishing is Like Work!

Fishing is Like Work!

On the offseason I get to fish — a lot. But fishing (not necessarily catching) with Mike sure feels like work! Well, it has been a long hot summer of tagging along as Mike fishes. Now, I did not say he was catching — just fishing, har har! On the downside of these...

We Weims Can Run

We Weims Can Run

Weimaraners can run at speeds up to 35 MPH. I was again surfing the web the other day — hey, I’m down to only 20 boxes of dog treats, time to reorder — and saw a dog speed report. According to the report, Weimaraners can run at speeds up to 35 MPH. We Weims can run!...

Newsom’s New Anti-Gun Law

Newsom’s New Anti-Gun Law

With the recent passage of California’s AB 2571, a law prohibiting the marketing of certain firearms to minors, Governor Newsom rode roughshod over constitutional protections. AB2571 is simply to advance the legislation that many feel will be nothing more than an...