My New Years List for 2023

My New Years List for 2023

You hoomans seems to be list makers — for everything. I know lists help you reach goals and stay organized, so here goes with my 2023 New Year resolutions list. First, get some huns, alias Hungarian partridges. Those birds are like small rockets with hyper-speed...

The Ledge

The Ledge

They were the absurd, precarious axle around which reeled the surged universal tumult. On Christmas morning before sunup the fisherman embraced his warm wife and left his close bed. She did not want him to go. It was Christmas morning. He was a big, raw man, with too...

Where There is a Wil…

Where There is a Wil…

A painter he is, and that's what he always wanted to be... His house is what realtors, in Salisbury, Maryland, call a two-story “Colonial.” It sits near the back of a tasteful subdivision — meaning one where developers have left standing the native loblolly pine, oak...

River Spell

River Spell

The secluded river and soul-quieting snow...together they would cast just the right spell for losing himself while regaining a sense of belonging. Day 1: I am all by myself in the canoe, maybe on this whole river given the time of year and the fact that for days...

Taking the Icy Plunge

Taking the Icy Plunge

Sometimes I have to take the icy plunge to retrieve Mike's Ducks. BRRRRR! While Weimaraners like me are well known for finding, flushing and fetching upland birds, like pheasants and grouse (which I do when Mike finally connects and shoots one of those birds), I also...