Northern Georgia Quail

Northern Georgia Quail

This week, Sporting Classics with Chris Dorsey visits northern Georgia for a cast-and-blast adventure with quail hunting at Barnsley Gardens and fly fishing for trout at the headwaters of the Soque River. I am joined by retired Ducks Unlimited executive turned...

Strange Happenings At Chickamauga Creek

Strange Happenings At Chickamauga Creek

The hunter had been following a sparse blood trail for over two hours and it looked as though his greatest fear might be realized. The scant blood sign was beginning to peter out even more. John Forrest feared it might disappear altogether. Although he was sure he had...

Hunting Beaver Dam Lake

Hunting Beaver Dam Lake

The Mississippi Delta is a land of hard-working people and enduring legends. Many in this agricultural region farm thousands of acres in cotton, soybeans, wheat, corn and any productive crop that will grow in topsoil built up from centuries of rotting vegetation over...

Mars the Pointer

Mars the Pointer

He was all alone now, but the birds were still there. He was called Mars because new names can become scarce around a big kennel and someone had come up with Jupiter and with Mercury (shortened to "Mere" and "Jupe" for other pups). Later, he was registered as Morton's...

A Wyoming Rattle Trap

A Wyoming Rattle Trap

First light came to the riverbottom like a developing Polaroid, shades of gray giving way to bright greens and golds with every blink. The barely noticeable form of a distant buck crosses the valley below us in the nose-down manner of a spaniel working the scent trail...