To the Top

To the Top

To the top!” I said, grinning, when Jake asked where we were going while pointing nearly straight up to a spot where two giant peaks collide. For few such as us, this is where dreams of trophy bighorn sheep, elk, and mule deer begin. Five hours later Jake Worthington...

Colter’s Hell

Colter’s Hell

The half-naked young man lay breathless inside the dark and dank beaver lodge, his legs and feet covered in cuts and scratches. He had narrowly escaped death after being captured by Blackfeet Indians while canoeing up the Jefferson River and had sought refuge in the...

The Bear of Her Life

The Bear of Her Life

Steve and Caroline Hicks share an epic adventure in Alaska as they hunt for both brown bear and black bear with Glacier Guides. The team uses a yacht as home base, cruising along the shores of the Last Frontier while glassing for bear before landing ashore for a...

Moments of Perfection

Moments of Perfection

Covey rising, dogs holding point, one bird dead in the air as you swing on another. Might there ever be another moment so pure? Every time I head out for some far-flung destination like Quinhagak or Kinnakeet or Tierra Amarillo or the wilds of southern Georgia, it’s...

Northern Georgia Quail

Northern Georgia Quail

This week, Sporting Classics with Chris Dorsey visits northern Georgia for a cast-and-blast adventure with quail hunting at Barnsley Gardens and fly fishing for trout at the headwaters of the Soque River. I am joined by retired Ducks Unlimited executive turned...