Great Morning

Great Morning

Originally published as a piece in his “Tailfeathers” column for Sports Afield, this tale is a splendid example of the author’s genius in pulling on the heartstrings of his readers. It subsequently appeared in one of the many collections of Hill’s tight, bright little...

Time to Hunt Memories

Time to Hunt Memories

The middle of January is tough on New Hampshire bird hunters. The waterfowl and upland seasons are over, there is a foot or more of snow on the ground, and the temperature is cold. Very cold. It is hard to look forward to spring white geese and turkey hunts when they...

Illinois Odyssey

Illinois Odyssey

When the subject of pheasant hunting comes up, most people think of South Dakota. For bobwhite quail hunts, they envision a Southern plantation. Who thinks of upland hunting in Illinois? As a lifelong resident of this state, I can understand the lack of enthusiasm for...

An excerpt from The Kings of Curlew Island

An excerpt from The Kings of Curlew Island

It was Richard who showed me the huge antler—a dropped horn from a whitetail buck. Massive to a degree rarely seen, not less than five inches it measured around the handsome beading. Moreover, there were nine clear points, none mere craggy excrescences; they were...

A True Tale of Faithfulness

A True Tale of Faithfulness

We were hunting the legendary Lodge and Ranch at Chama in far northern New Mexico on that cool autumn evening, and when we hit Cañones Creek, we bore north. We reached the base of Cerro Venado Macho, or “Big Buck Hill,” and commenced climbing its steeply ascending...

Reunion Hunt

Reunion Hunt

The author and his old TV sidekick Gerald McRaney get back together to hunt big whitetails, and in some unusual ways.

The Festive Hunt, 1909

The Festive Hunt, 1909

The long line of native pagazi, each man carrying his allotted 60 pounds of supplies and equipment, moved like a giant mamba through acacia bushes and across the savannah. The American flag was held proudly aloft at the front of the long, seemingly endless line. Some...