The Leopard of Lorian Swamp

The Leopard of Lorian Swamp

We had just finished a memorable safari in the Northern Frontier District of Kenya, one on which I had taken a very fine leopard in the eleventh hour of the final day. It was my first. A male, it pegged out at nearly eight feet from nose to tail tip, and we were...

Ernest Hemingway: Angler, Fighter, Lover

Ernest Hemingway: Angler, Fighter, Lover

Ernest Hemingway fought in two wars, battled huge marlin and tuna in Bimini and Cuba and then survived two plane crashes and deadly encounters with lions and elephants in Africa – all while creating some of the greatest sporting literature ever written.

John Scurr New Zealand Hunting Tours

John Scurr New Zealand Hunting Tours

Long before Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings trilogy put New Zealand on everyone’s travel list, hunters and anglers long coveted the island nation’s riches of fish and game. It is a sportsman’s Jurassic Park, where beasts grow to near-mythic dimensions and the...

The Customizable Joe’s PH

The Customizable Joe’s PH

Live now on the Russell Moccasin website, the new Joe's PH Premier Build is customizable with nearly 100 combinations of leathers, soles, and twill colors. Choose from a curated selection to create your ideal Joe's PH. Each of these options is carefully hand selected...

A Record Twice Lost

A Record Twice Lost

For ten minutes I held my 8x binoculars on it; then it moved. Like magic the tremendous outline of a big ram’s head came into focus, and I almost choked on a mouthful of cold bannock at the size of it.

A Forest Chase

A Forest Chase

The following narrative is excerpted from Hunting Adventures in the Northern Wilds, A Tramp in the Chateaugay Woods, Over Hills, Lakes and Forest Streams, by S. H. Hammond, published in 1856. As the author travels into the back country wilderness of northern New York...