Thunder in Bear Canyon
We knew they were there. We’d first seen them a year ago this past September—a mama bear and her three cubs working the upper end of, appropriately enough, Bear Canyon. She was in superb shape, a real veteran and obviously a master at her craft, for each of her cubs...

Ibex Adventures in Spain
Not long after meeting our English-speaking guides, “actually government officials” in charge of the management of the Sierra de Francia Mountains, we were on a steep mountainside when a group of rams erupted from their beds to dash up and over a mine field of...

Wing-Shooting Scotland In October
Last October was a special month. I was in Scotland, and for two days I hunted red grouse in the moors near Inverness -- one day of driven birds and one day of walk-up. It was the trip of a lifetime with friends and family. Excitement rode beside us as we traveled...

Our Gobbler
I suppose that there are other things that make a hunter uneasy, but of one thing I am very sure: that is, to locate and to begin to stalk a deer or a turkey, only to find that another hunter is doing precisely the same thing at the same time. The feeling I had was...

Adventures in Minnesota’s Black Bear Country
They look cute from a distance but up close, they are like a 400-pound racoon. A momma coon may have six or eight coonlets in a year, a bear might have twins, rarely triplets and then only every two years. Cubs are born bald and blind at about a half pound during...

The Meat Dog
“Any dog courageous enough to bust himself up to point a bird for me earns my respect. And it is for their tireless and gritty hard work that I am forever grateful.”

The Old Bull of Sawmill Creek
How a piece of wildlife art directed one man’s hunting destiny.

Preserving Turkey Memories
A delightfully different approach.

Home on the Range
Enjoying the abundance of wildlife on the American prairie.

Hunting Elk on Colorado Public Land
With over-the-counter licenses and on publicly hunted Forest Service land.