Weep No More, My Lady
A most unlikely bird dog lifts a boy to the cusp of manhood.

Samuel “Baker of the Nile”
In autumn 1858, on a beautiful day in the Scottish Highlands, a remarkable sporting feat that would be recounted innumerable times until passing into legend, occurred. During dinner the previous evening at the Duke of Atholl’s estate, Sam Baker, recently returned to...

Kermit Roosevelt: The River of Doubt
On the day after Christmas in 1913, Theodore Roosevelt and Kermit were planning another day of hunting on the Taquary River in Brazil. Both father and son were hunting jaguars before embarking on their big adventure down the River of Doubt. The jaguar is considered...

Moose Work
I’d been suckered back in. Suckered back to bowhunt moose in Alaska. I should’ve known better. I’d visited Southeast Alaska three times before, culminating in some of the worst hunts of my existence. My first trip was the worst. A friend and I hunted two weeks as...

Pere David’s Deer: Back from the Brink
The intriguing survival story of a deer species discovered in China more than 150 years ago.

Belle Baruch: The Troublesome Child
Ever the tomboy, Belle Baruch hunted and fished, chased German spies, surprised her family with equestrian triumphs and scandalous affairs. When it was all done, she willed 17,500 acres for public education.

Heroic Efforts to Save Texas Quail May Soon Pay Off
With ample rainfall, healthy cover, and an abundance of quail in the summer of 2010, hunters in the Rolling Plains region of West Texas anticipated another bumper crop of their beloved birds the following season. Instead, the birds vanished, leaving biologists...

Mint Juleps and Memories
Historically the most elegant, the most typically Southern of all alcoholic beverages, the mint julep remains a symbol of the vanished South.

Hooray Ranch: A Wingshooting Spectacle
Come fall, mind-stretching numbers of ducks and geese descend on Hooray’s fields and ponds.

J.A. Hunter’s Africa
He saw Africa raw, tapped its treasures and chafed at what his generation had wrought.