Hunting Retriever Club: Celebrating 40 Years
Happy 40th Birthday HRC! I rolled down the window when I saw the cloud of smoke billowing out from behind the food truck. It didn’t matter that there weren’t many restaurants in Bono, Arkansas, ’cause this one smelled great. There was a man sitting at a picnic table...

Watch: When Dangerous Game Charges
A look at four hunts for dangerous game - Cape buffalo, brown bear, elephant, and hippopotamus - all ending with a heart-pounding climax as the animals charge at the hunter. View more videos just like this at Chris Dorsey's Outdoor World on youtube. Chris...

Hall of Fame Trainer Billy Wunderlich
As good with people as he was with dogs.

Dog Eyes: Windows to the Soul
Gaze into the eyes of a dog. When they are deep and clear, when they pulse for the hunt like bellowed coals and the reflections in them flash like lightning with the restless lights of life on fire. And where do you find tranquility? A restoration of spirit, a calming...

When the Turkeys Busted Loose
Me and Poach and the Window Wizard, walking this scrubby sheep pasture west of town. Sheep got buck teeth and clip the grass right down to the dirt. Canada thistle and prickly ash take over, tight clumps around the boulders the glaciers brought when they came and...

Ben Lilly The Last Mountain Man
After the honorable David Crockett of Tennessee, Ben Lilly was said to be the greatest bear hunter in American history. He reputedly killed more bears with a knife in hand-to-hand combat than Ol’ Davy ever attempted to “grin” down. In truth, Ben Lilly no doubt killed...

Ducks Unlimited To Launch $3 Billion Campaign
On the heels of the great Dust Bowl of the infamous “Dirty Thirties,” duck hunters from across North America came together in a remarkable effort to save their beloved waterfowl. The extended drought across the Great Plains and elsewhere highlighted the importance of...

Ernest Hemingway: The Final Years (1950-1961)
Despite the promise of great upland and waterfowl hunting, dear friends and a place where Ernest could escape fame and work without interruption, Mary and Papa Hemingway did not return to Idaho until the fall of 1958. During the intervening decade, Ernest spent...

Give The Gift Of Outdoor Adventure For Father’s Day
For many hunters and anglers, the first memories in the field come from moments shared with their fathers – the pre-dawn wake-up nudge, breakfast sandwiches in the car, instructions whispered to nervous ears, and photographs that freeze time and capture memories...

Miracle Mule Deer
One father-son mule deer hunt through the Arizona desert leads to an unbelievable discovery and a miraculous shot by a young hunter. It was hard to believe a whole year had passed since last deer season and, as this one approached, I considered it with great...