Heroic Efforts to Save Texas Quail May Soon Pay Off
With ample rainfall, healthy cover, and an abundance of quail in the summer of 2010, hunters in the Rolling Plains region of West Texas anticipated another bumper crop of their beloved birds the following season. Instead, the birds vanished, leaving biologists...
Mint Juleps and Memories
Historically the most elegant, the most typically Southern of all alcoholic beverages, the mint julep remains a symbol of the vanished South.
Hooray Ranch: A Wingshooting Spectacle
Come fall, mind-stretching numbers of ducks and geese descend on Hooray’s fields and ponds.
J.A. Hunter’s Africa
He saw Africa raw, tapped its treasures and chafed at what his generation had wrought.
Thunder in Bear Canyon
We knew they were there. We’d first seen them a year ago this past September—a mama bear and her three cubs working the upper end of, appropriately enough, Bear Canyon. She was in superb shape, a real veteran and obviously a master at her craft, for each of her cubs...
Ibex Adventures in Spain
Not long after meeting our English-speaking guides, “actually government officials” in charge of the management of the Sierra de Francia Mountains, we were on a steep mountainside when a group of rams erupted from their beds to dash up and over a mine field of...
Wing-Shooting Scotland In October
Last October was a special month. I was in Scotland, and for two days I hunted red grouse in the moors near Inverness -- one day of driven birds and one day of walk-up. It was the trip of a lifetime with friends and family. Excitement rode beside us as we traveled...
Our Gobbler
I suppose that there are other things that make a hunter uneasy, but of one thing I am very sure: that is, to locate and to begin to stalk a deer or a turkey, only to find that another hunter is doing precisely the same thing at the same time. The feeling I had was...
Adventures in Minnesota’s Black Bear Country
They look cute from a distance but up close, they are like a 400-pound racoon. A momma coon may have six or eight coonlets in a year, a bear might have twins, rarely triplets and then only every two years. Cubs are born bald and blind at about a half pound during...
The Meat Dog
“Any dog courageous enough to bust himself up to point a bird for me earns my respect. And it is for their tireless and gritty hard work that I am forever grateful.”