Maybe You Do Some Fetching

Maybe You Do Some Fetching

If a dog goes on point or keeps moving away from where you are, take note... Once Mike and I were hunting a huge field where soybeans had been grown but had been harvested. OK, I was hunting and Mike was dragging along behind. He needs to keep up, hunting is a...

The Perfect Fetch-Point

The Perfect Fetch-Point

Hunting and birds are the things that make life enjoyable. I'll make it easier on Mike, har har! Once while on a dove hunt, Mike made two quick shots with his over-under shotgun and two doves fell from the sky. Any historians reading here, this needs to be included in...

Nearing the Nimbus

Nearing the Nimbus

She had made it all possible. She was the melody of his song. And ever she watched and waited for him, in a warm, yellow kitchen. It is dark below. Raindrops clamor helplessly at the small window by his shoulder, driven in itinerant streaks across the glass by the...