Hunting Beaver Dam Lake

Hunting Beaver Dam Lake

The Mississippi Delta is a land of hard-working people and enduring legends. Many in this agricultural region farm thousands of acres in cotton, soybeans, wheat, corn and any productive crop that will grow in topsoil built up from centuries of rotting vegetation over...

The Rain

The Rain

Someone once wrote that “rain is the oldest sound to reach the porches of man’s ear.” I like the sentence and I like the sentiment. And I like rain. I like to hunt in it, fish in it and just walk around in it. I like the sound of rain, the feel of it and the soft...

Where the Clouds Are Birds

Where the Clouds Are Birds

I think I know what Otis Redding had on his mind when he crooned “Sittin’ on the dock of a bay.” Only there’s no dock here. There’s no bay either, but I’m sitting on a high bluff overlooking the Parana River in Argentina, takin’ the rest of the day off.  Mi amigos...

The Old Maid

The Old Maid

Good covey dogs are, as Lincoln said of Civil War generals, “as plenty as blackberries.” Hardy, spirited rangers that will put up whatever there is to be put up and give you your money’s worth day in and day out. That is, in good bird country.  But if you are ever...