Hunting is a marathon and Mike and anyone hunting afield with me needs to keep up!

Hunting is a task that is not to be taken lightly. Once the door is open on the truck and I spring out faster than a jack-n-the-box, it’s like the Kentucky Derby — I’m off to the race! Hunting is a marathon and I am the track star.

Yes, Weimaraners are well known for being high energy hunting dogs — make that officially classified as sporting dogs, har har! I’m definitely in the high energy group, so hunting is a marathon and Mike and anyone hunting afield with me needs to keep up. Several hunters have fallen to the wayside and no longer hunt with me because they could not keep up. Go big or stay on the porch, har har!

Even though I zig-zag back and forth through the brush ahead of Mike as I search for birds, I am moving forward at a quick and hectic pace. I fully understand hunting seasons are only a few months each fall and there is a lot of ground to cover — and birds to find. For example, the county I live in is larger than the state of Rhode Island. Plus, I hunt in several states each fall and for many bird species. Let’s get moving! Lace your boots on tight and keep up.

It’s also that once I get the scent of a bird, I kick it into high gear and really cover ground. With nose to the ground, I’m on the move and in search of birds. Ok, I have a smurk on my face because if nothing is happening I sometimes point songbirds — Hey, songbirds are birds, I’ll point at ’em — and sometimes Mike believes I point grasshoppers. Hey, that thing flies, har har!

Unfortunately for some hunting dogs during hunting seasons is the only time they get out of the kennel. That’s just wrong and not a recipe for a great hunting adventure. I once had a kennel where I spent a few hours each day. Mike gave that away and now my home is his home. Period.

The hunting season is short — way too short. Get your boots on, load the shotgun and start sprinting. I’m on the search for birds. The marathon continues, keep up Mike, har har! —Cameron


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