Like humans, horses can develop night blindness. I discovered this the hard way as I was making my way down a steep mountain trail after a long day of elk hunting in Colorado. The Appaloosa worked well during the day, but as the sun began to set, she began tripping over every real and imagined object along the trail. The horse managed well enough until we came to a steep bank along the Yampa River. On the other side of the river was the corral and food for the horse. Rather than taking the trail to the river, where we could ford across it, the horse decided that launching itself off a 15-foot cliff into the water was the most expedient way to get across. I was simply along for the ride.  I still have grip marks around the wrist of my rifle stock from that misadventure.  

Labs are known for their furry snuggles, playful romping and soulful eyes; just think if they’re tongues were wagging instead of their tails! This playful little book is full of side-splitting inner monologues about a lab’s favorite things, the people they meet and places they go. The bold colors and lighthearted quips are paired with an array of adorable yellow, black and chocolate dogs and puppies, making this the perfect gift book for anyone who’s ever loved a lab. Shop Now