You hoomans have way too many special days to remember and track — like the one coming up with flowers and candy.
When I see flowers, I remember to raise a rear leg and start watering, har har! As for chocolates and candy, those are off limits for dogs and by the looks of the size of some hoomans who eat a lot of that, they should also keep chocolate and candy off limits.
Now, on to my confessions of luv. I luv: treats, bacon, cornbread, treats, gravy and biscuits, crunchy, steaks, and more treats. Along with going hunting, those are the life motivators that I so crave and look forward to. Maybe I need a card company to make some special-day cards to highlight those. Yes, open a special card and you get the whiff of gravy and biscuits with a side-order of bacon. Those cards would be more meaningful than that roses are red stuff. Even I can figure that color out, har har!
Remember to also think bigger than flickering candles if you really want to impress someone special on February 14th— build a bonfire. Ok, if there are any dogs around, put them in the truck or house. Sparks and fur are not a good combination — anytime. Toss on some logs, the romance fire is dwindling lol.
Unfortunately, many special hooman days or occasions are created to make you spend money. The awesome news is a growing group of hoomans take someone to a gun range for the one-day-of-love. Nothing says I love you like gunfire, and instead of the aroma of a sizzling steak, in the gun range you can smell sizzling gun barrels and the lovely aroma of burning gunpowder.
Whew, I love treats, so it’s time to hunt the next one. Happy Valentine’s Day…Spread the love! —Cameron