After months of preparation, the Holland and Holland Indoor Shooting Cinema is now open. The only cinematographic rifle range of its kind in Britain, our Indoor Shooting Cinema allows you to perfect your technique by shooting with live, full-power ammunition on interactive film clips. The Indoor Shooting Cinema is an underground rifle range with a 10-meter by 3-meter cinema screen located 25-meters from the firing point. Projected onto it is a variety of game scenarios including running boar. As the target is shot, the bullet penetrates the screen, the film pauses for three seconds, and a laser highlights the hit before the film continues. Each sequence comprises of three shots with the possibility to shoot a range of different sequences within a session.

From a single boar trotting across a woodland to a whole sounder in full gallop, we can provide footage for everything you are likely to shoot. We even have a cartoon round for shooters seeking a more light-hearted experience.

With 350 film clips to choose from, the opportunity to hire or use your own rifle, and technology unrivaled in the UK, the Holland and Holland Shooting Grounds will ensure you receive the best practice to prepare for any shooting trips abroad.

We have a range of rifles and calibres available for use, including those similar to the ones you are likely to borrow when shooting abroad. Maximise your opportunities next time you are in Germany for Boar or Spain for a Monteria by practising shooting at realistically presented game. All confined within a comfortable and air-conditioned environment in our new pavilion at the Holland & Holland Shooting Grounds.

For corporate entertainment, the facility will offer the opportunity to bring clients for a few hours shooting with a variety of calibres, followed by a drink in the bar and lunch or dinner.

Jason Doyle, a renowned journalist, recently recorded a piece on our new Schiesskino for the Shooting Show.

Please contact the Shooting Grounds for more information or to book.