Great dogs in history are my favorite.
The other night I was lying on the couch and channel surfing when I suddenly heard a hound howling. Then, on the TV show, I spotted a Montana lion hunting dog, Capone, up in a tree. He had climbed up high in the tree’s limbs while trying to get the prize—an angry mountain lion. Well, the lion heard too much hound howling and saw those sharp canines, so it leapt from the tree and dashed away. Give Capone a huge bone for going the distance, climbing that tree, and being a hero.
History is filled with hero dogs. Take those military service dogs that work around the globe — SALUTE! They can even parachute in with the troops and often wear goggles to avoid sands that damage their eyes. The world is a safer place with those military dogs on duty.
There are also security sniffers—alias detection dogs– working in airports, plus lots of dogs working alongside police officers and game wardens in the fields and forests. More dogs also work in numerous other roles to keep us all safe. Dogs also worked long days at Ground Zero. Dogs work every day on rural ranches to move cows and sheep. Get em!
There are also dogs that are great ambassadors, like Lassie. These noted dogs just excel at making hoomans look not so smart since those hoomans are always getting into deep trouble. Lassie and all dogs to the rescue!
Then there are other ambassador dogs that like to look down on hoomans, like the dogs riding up on the Budweiser horse-drawn beer wagon. I believe that spotted dog atop the beer wagon is there to be certain that no hooman steals a beer from the passing parade wagon. The same goes for the dogs who ride shotgun on fire department trucks, they are there to keep hoomans from stealing a fire fighter’s hat or axe.
Next time you see a working dog, or a dog in a passing parade, SALUTE! — Cameron the Weim