Choosing the Right Bait for Your Fish
With fishing bait, you can use things fish want to eat, or things that look, smell like or mimic things fish think they want to eat. You can use live, artificial or prepared baits to attract the fish to your hook using movement, vibration, color and/or scent. New...
25 Heartbeats
Along with common sense rules such as “don’t litter” and “don’t remove anything that was already here,” there’s this: “No groups larger than 25." Occasionally, Congress does something right. In 1975, the assemblage designated an area of the San Juan and Rio Grande...
Why Fly Fishermen are Flocking to South America for Golden Dorado
Argentina’s vast Ibera Swamp is an other-worldly setting for one of the planet’s great game fish. Argentina’s seemingly endless Ibera Wetlands span some 7,000-square miles, the second largest marshland in the world, behind only Brazil’s great Pantanal. It is a...
Living on the Flip Side
Sporting Classics writer Larry Chesney gets the scoop on legendary fisherman Flip Pallot in this Q&A interview LC: Are you planning to bring back Walker’s Cay Chronicles? FLIP: Well, I don’t know about that. I’m watching with great interest to see what’s happening...
Creel Empty, Heart Full
Far too often we as sportsmen become blinded by the end result of a hunting or fishing trip. Blinded so that we miss much of the beauty and adventure of the journey. I recently went on a fishing trip that yielded and empty creel, yet was filled with rest, adventure...
A Reel Chance For Good Fishing
Captain Rick was right. Like onboard bananas, the first-cast fish spells trouble. Kathy’s first cast of the morning—a live shad wiggling beneath a bright orange cork. The tide was rising and the minnow rode with the current along the edge of the submerged sandbar,...
How to Plan a Successful Fishing Trip
Having a successful fishing trip depends on how you plan for success. Planning will help regardless if your goal is to catch a state record fish, or escape from chores for the day. Remember that some days we catch fish on bare hooks, while others days we just go...
New World Record Paddlefish Hauled From Keystone Lake — Again!
A new world-record paddlefish has again been pulled from Keystone Lake near Tulsa, Oklahoma less than a month after the previous world record was snagged in the same lake by a client of the same fishing guide. Angler Cody James Watters of Ochelata is the newest owner...
ICAST Presents 2020 New Product Awards
American Sportfishing Association held its 2020 ICAST show with 434 new products entered by more than 180 companies. American Sportfishing Association held its first “virtual” ICAST show in July. Despite not having the face-to-face interaction everyone enjoyed at the...
How to Make Your Own Cane Pole Fishing Rig
Making a cane pole fishing rig: A do-it-yourself project for sportsmen of all ages Several months back I wrote a piece for Sporting Classics Daily touting the virtues and versatility of cane poles as a fishing tool. What I should have done then was follow that...