A Guide to Guides

A Guide to Guides

These professional hunters anglers understand there is no substitute for spending time in the field or on the water. During my career as an outdoors writer, I have worked with hundreds of fishing and hunting guides while on story assignments and worked as a guide...

‘Tween Casts with Flip Pallot

‘Tween Casts with Flip Pallot

There’s more to the story. The flip side of Flip. He stays busy– too busy to fish one might think, but flingin’ a fly is always on the schedule. When most of us landlubbers think of Flip Pallot, we picture a smiling, bearded gentleman casting a fly for bonefish or...

Patagonia Wild

Patagonia Wild

This week on Sporting Classics with Chris Dorsey... Chris Dorsey takes in the best of land, sea and air in "Patagonia Wild" as he visits the outdoorsman’s paradise of Tipiliuke Lodge in Argentina. Chris and his brother Joe chase free range red stag, wild boar, quail...

Fishing From a Kayak?

Fishing From a Kayak?

Fishing from one of Hobie's kayaks can be a fun and effective way to locate and stalk tailing reds, even in the shallowest waters. Being a South Carolina native, I've never resided far from saltwater. That's provided beaucoup opportunities to fish for my favorite sea...

Choosing the Right Bait for Your Fish

Choosing the Right Bait for Your Fish

With fishing bait, you can use things fish want to eat, or things that look, smell like or mimic things fish think they want to eat. You can use live, artificial or prepared baits to attract the fish to your hook using movement, vibration, color and/or scent. New...

25 Heartbeats

25 Heartbeats

Along with common sense rules such as “don’t litter” and “don’t remove anything that was already here,” there’s this: “No groups larger than 25." Occasionally, Congress does something right. In 1975, the assemblage designated an area of the San Juan and Rio Grande...

Living on the Flip Side

Living on the Flip Side

Sporting Classics writer Larry Chesney gets the scoop on legendary fisherman Flip Pallot in this Q&A interview LC: Are you planning to bring back Walker’s Cay Chronicles? FLIP: Well, I don’t know about that. I’m watching with great interest to see what’s happening...

Creel Empty, Heart Full

Creel Empty, Heart Full

Far too often we as sportsmen become blinded by the end result of a hunting or fishing trip. Blinded so that we miss much of the beauty and adventure of the journey. I recently went on a fishing trip that yielded and empty creel, yet was filled with rest, adventure...