The Haunting

The Haunting

The haunting of late fall didn’t come from ghoulish goblins, horror houses or a second-rate slasher flick. This haunting wasn’t even a part of Halloween, but was instead a few weeks after, in mid-November.  The day’s awakening brought the ghastly remains of Lake...

The Mink

The Mink

How the mink had come to be there the boy did not know. Those whom he asked about it—casually, trying not to appear too inquisitive—laughed and told him condescendingly, There’s no mink in this country! Prob’ly just an old muskrat. They all had their reasons—Too far...

Mr. Theodore Castwell

Mr. Theodore Castwell

An enchantingly beautiful chalk stream, perfect cast after perfect cast, big trout rising to the fly each time it alights on the water... For Theodore Castwell, it seemed that St. Peter had indeed given him very special consideration. Mr. Theodore Castwell, having...

On the Southbound Home

On the Southbound Home

Had a man once who said, “The older the boy, the younger the man.” Strikes me he was right. No matter how old you are, you got to hang on to him—the boy—never let him go. Hardly back from Chile and Patagonia, languishing in a chair before the fire—even as the...

Angling Through the Ages

Angling Through the Ages

Those who build a rod, fly or lure are participating in one of the world’s oldest professions. The history of man as hunter is partially defined by the history of fishing; the history of fishing is intertwined with the invention and evolution of fishing tackle. Thus,...