Louella Cable: First Female Scientist Hired by FWS Predecessor
A consummate scientist, master of fisheries and superb scientific illustrator, Louella Cable was a leader in fisheries research and conservation. A Google search for “Louella Cable” produces some enthrallingly esoteric results, among the first, a publication available...

Spey Casting: Learning to Fish for a Fish on a Mission
The powerful Spey rod allowed peasants to cast into forbidden waters.

Sucker Gigging the Ozarks
When you’re an Ozarks sucker gigger, it takes a lot more than a cold night to keep you off the water.

Interpreting Dreams
I tend to go "whole hog" when interpreting my fishing dreams. But I've learned interpreting dreams really should be left to professionals. I had a dream. The dream had a foggy feel to it, as if I were standing in poor light. Water lapped against my thighs and I held...

Are You Really a “Morning Person”?
Leave it to hunters and anglers to fully appreciate the best time of day.

Fishing Premonitions
Though I continue to believe omens, signs or premonitions are total baloney, I did note some rather convincing portents while fishing the Wisconsin River one spring evening. Some people put a lot of faith in omens, signs, premonitions or whatever you choose to call...

Simple Smoky-Mountain Fried Trout
Simple and supremely satisfying, this fried trout recipe works well over a fire in backcountry or on the stove in your kitchen.

Secrets to Fly Fishing for Suckers
For those willing to succumb to all that comes with fly fishing for suckers, here are a few secrets to getting those suckers on the fly. Apparently, I have a knack for catching suckers on flies. Having confessed this, it’s not something I recommend unless you are...

How to Make Your Fish Bigger
Lying about the size of your fish isn't anything new, but new technology has made it trickier. Here are some tips to help make your fish bigger on camera. Fishermen have been trying to make their fish bigger ever since lying was invented. Somewhere in a cave there is...

Grandpa’s Tying Bench
Necessity is the mother of invention, and lost flies are the impetus for learning to tie new ones.