Fruitful Blessing – Dispatch
My boss, Sporting Classics' Editorial Director, Scott E. Mayer, had inquired about us going fishing on a Friday after work, a few weeks back. He added that we would be doing so at a pond located in the backyard of our Publisher, Duncan Grant. I humbly accepted. What a...

Mysteries on the Water’s Edge – The Creek
Even the smallest stream, skinny enough to step across, carries unsolved mysteries on the water's edge, drawing adventurous young’uns. I grew up in the heart of South Carolina. Halfway between the Upcountry and the Lowcountry. Right on the fall line, where...

SEWE 2022: Celebrating 40 Years
Tickets will go on sale October 9th for SEWE 2022, which will be held February 17-20 After canceling its event in 2021, Southeastern Wildlife Exposition (SEWE), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, will return next year to celebrate 40 years in 2022, February 17 - 20...

Public Comment Encouraged on Proposed Agreements to Protect 14 Aquatic Species in Kansas
The Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks (KDWP) and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) seek public comments on a proposed programmatic Candidate Conservation Agreement with Assurances (CCAA) and programmatic Safe Harbor Agreement (SHA) designed for 14 aquatic...

Old Man and the Sea – Ted Schnack
Ted Schnack discusses his sculpture inspired by Hemingway's Old Man and the Sea Literary Immortality. Countless writers and artists have graced the centuries, yet few and rare are those who create works so powerful they are considered true classic. True...

Best Deal for Wildlife? Buy a License.
Often overlooked in the rush of fall hunting seasons is how hunting and fishing licenses help fund wildlife work. In Georgia, each license sold – even a one-day $5 combo – returns to the state that license fee plus as much as $45 in federal excise taxes paid by...

2021 John H. Prescott Marine Animal Rescue Assistance Grants Announced
NOAA Fisheries is awarding 55 grants totaling more than $3.7 million to our partners in the Marine Mammal Stranding Network in 19 states and one tribe. These grants support a core mission of NOAA Fisheries: the conservation and recovery of protected marine species....

A Dorsey-style Family Vacation in the Amazon
Sporting Classics with Chris Dorsey wrestles with river monsters from the southern hemisphere. Officials from Dorsey Pictures announce that this week’s episode of Sporting Classics with Chris Dorsey - the most watched outdoor TV program in the world – features a...

Rendezvous with a King
The ocean was like a piece of glass as we glided past the familiar black-and-white-spiraled St. Augustine lighthouse a mile or so off to our starboard side. Heading out into the great unknown on a muggy June morning, I couldn’t help but think of my grandmother’s...

The Intruder
It wasn’t much as waters go — probably a couple acres at best. I’d passed by it many times always on the way to somewhere else. It lay a few hundred yards off the road, nestled up against the back edge of the old cemetery. I suppose to most people it would be a...