Dispatch From the Caribbean 3
The people along the sand All turn and look one way. They turn their back on the land. They look at the sea all day. As long as it takes to pass A ship keeps raising its hull; The wetter ground like glass Reflects a standing gull The land may vary more; But wherever...

Dispatch From the Caribbean 2
“Long have you timidly waded Holding a plank by the shore, Now I will you to be a bold swimmer, To jump off in the midst of the sea, Rise again, nod to me, shout, And laughingly dash with your hair.” - Walt Whitman There are moments when you feel an action. Something...

Dispatch From the Caribbean
We arrived in St. Croix around three this afternoon. The atmosphere was a bit heavy, some weighty humidity. The wind carried in an air of salt — mnemonic zephyrs of days yester. Scents have an uncanny power to conjure old memories. Catch a whiff of the sea when you...

Fishing Lake Texoma, Deadsticking Technique
DEADSTICKING - MORE ACTION THAN THE NAME IMPLIES The only thing the fishing technique known as “deadsticking” has to do with the word “dead” is the lack of activity by the fisherman before the hookset, especially when dealing with those hard fighting stripers while...

Stage for Stories – A Paean to Porches
Porches were a place where you could be at peace with the world...a stage for stories. In yesteryear one of many blessings, what folks living in my native heath, the Great Smoky Mountains of North Carolina, tended to take for granted was that they could enjoy their...

Steelhead Fishing in Ohio? Good News.
Ohio’s steelhead trout fishing is heating up now that colder weather is incoming, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Wildlife. November through March provides peak action for anglers pursuing northeast Ohio’s silver bullets. Six...

Fishing Guide – My Short, Brilliant Career
The novelist John Gardner posited that there are really only two stories: A man goes on a journey, or a stranger comes to town. With all due respect to Gardner’s memory, however, I’d like to add a third: The telephone rings, and you answer it. The caller identified...

Something for the First Time
A fella posed a question the other day that caused me pause... He asked, “When’s the last time you did something for the first time?” Not when’s the last time you did something again for the first time in a long time. But the last time you did something for...

Transported into the Wild Light
Painter Rod Crossman, considered one of the greatest sporting artists of our time, connects us to holy outdoor places that span generations. This is how we are transported into the wildlight. Think about your greatest fishing memory, the one that, like a fine...

Fruitful Blessing – Dispatch
My boss, Sporting Classics' Editorial Director, Scott E. Mayer, had inquired about us going fishing on a Friday after work, a few weeks back. He added that we would be doing so at a pond located in the backyard of our Publisher, Duncan Grant. I humbly accepted. What a...