Beyond the Boundaries

Beyond the Boundaries

"But there was something there — a different kind of contemporary realism." Imagine for a moment that you and I are with artist Adriano Manocchia, relaxing on Adirondack chairs under the eave of the porch at his house in Cambridge, New York, a double haul from the...

Dead Fish Tell No Lies

Dead Fish Tell No Lies

To think that this box might hold Harry's legendary Atlantic salmon was too much for the club members to bear. Postmortem jurisprudence. I believe that’s what they call it. This "executor of a will" responsibility is indeed an objectionable bit of business. "Damn it,...

Haunting On the Big Two-Hearted

Haunting On the Big Two-Hearted

I am a confirmed cynic when it comes to supernatural and paranormal malarkey. However... It began innocently enough, as such things often do I suppose. Tom Davis, a contributing editor to this magazine, called me about taking over an article he was unable to do, a...

The Little Devil – Bad Bets

The Little Devil – Bad Bets

The bets we had made put my much-needed expense money at serious risk. Since I had the responsibility of managing the canoe and could only cast while it was drifting freely, I was at a considerable disadvantage. You had to admire Jack Fincassel. He was the hardest...