Tigers In the Surf

Tigers In the Surf

Angry breakers guarded the Devil's Elbow of Padre Island's wild and remote beaches. Watch out, others had warned us, or the surf will eat you alive. Billy Sandifer, a three-tour veteran of Vietnam and now a surf-fishing guide, faced the roaring whitecaps and didn't...

Gathered Rocks Placed Around and Over

Gathered Rocks Placed Around and Over

Ben shouted the Indian's name until his throat became raw. Much later, on the far side of the camp in rock shadows, he found a note held down and partially hidden by rock. Ben Choat, the lean, dark-skinned river guide, met the old Indian at the railing entrance of the...

Gilled Glutton – Weird Wildlife Weekly

Gilled Glutton – Weird Wildlife Weekly

Gilled glutton leaves anglers scratching their heads after a pike was found dead with a zander — a fish of similar size — jammed in its mouth in the Netherlands. While in his boat doing some work by the jetty near his home, Rene Spaargaren, from Almere near Amsterdam,...

Deep Feelings

Deep Feelings

In many ways John Hamberger was more an impressionistic artist than a painter of fish portraits. On the vintage plaster of the kitchen wall, left of the table where winter window light refracts through a collection of old pop bottles, is taped a snapshot of a man...