The people along the sand
All turn and look one way.
They turn their back on the land.
They look at the sea all day.

As long as it takes to pass
A ship keeps raising its hull;
The wetter ground like glass
Reflects a standing gull

The land may vary more;
But wherever the truth may be-
The water comes ashore,
And the people look at the sea.

They cannot look out far.
They cannot look in deep.
But when was that ever a bar
To any watch they keep? – Robert Frost 


The grandeur of the sea is a marvel. Its immensity and bewitchingly vicissitudinous nature rivaled only by a fickle firmament. The horizon, that hallowed place where sea and sky meet in aeonian matrimony, enchanting each and every one of us. One can easily see where the likes of Michelangelo would gaze upon the marriage of above and below and conjure the concept of Adam and God nearly touching fingertips. Entire Greek sagas, sea monsters, pirates, naval warfare or, simply, a father and son bonding on a boat or on shore casting out a net and a line have come to parturition because of it.

The wisdom derived from this mesmeric mass is incalculable. We can’t help but look and derive something explicit from the looking. What can ultimately be inferred is that it does not oppose anything and serves one thing: Good.

It bonds us all to behold true beauty.

Wether looking out or deep, we sense a culmination. A unity with all things that knows no opposition. We merely perceive very real distinctions and – all too often – mistake them as being opposed to one another.

There be only one life in these waters.

Dispatch: 1, 2, 4

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