“Long have you timidly waded
Holding a plank by the shore,
Now I will you to be a bold swimmer,
To jump off in the midst of the sea,
Rise again, nod to me, shout,
And laughingly dash with your hair.” – Walt Whitman
There are moments when you feel an action. Something that must be done at that particular moment. You sense it in your skin. Feel it in your hands. Know it in your chest.
Whether you’re hunting caribou in Canada, deer in Kansas or brocket in Campeche — you know a certain move need be taken, a specific decision need be made.
This act can be the difference between a moment relished, long into old age, like an old tune, some contribution to a cosmic harmony — or, a moment which regret warrants ad hoc justification where you have to come up with a reason why your inaction was actually for the better and that the resulting series of discorded outcomes is for the best.
How long have you waded in the waters of inaction?
How long have you stood your mental ground, holding the plank of excused immobility?
How long have you dismissed your past indecisions, as you gazed upon a sea of opportunity?
What better aim can be focused now?
What more deliberate motion can be set today — now?
What accuracy have you been sacrificing for a peripherally decent story, instead of the crux of a great one?
The climate of the mind ails the weathers of the heart with indecision.
Aim steady. Breathe confidently. Listen attentively. Feel acutely.
Now move.

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