I like digging for buried treasures.
I’ve tagged along numerous times while Mike and his friend, Marlon, have gone into the mountains to dig for crystals. I hope they find silver and gold someday. Maybe some big nuggets that we could trade for a new shotgun or bigger nuggets to swap for a new truck.
Until Mike strikes it rich, however, I like digging everywhere just to see what I can find. The clue to dig here that sets me off is generally any small hole in the ground. Just the other day Mike worked on some lawn sprinklers and failed to fill in one of the holes. When I saw that slight depression in the ground, it looked like a place where someone could have buried treasures or gold they stole from a stagecoach in yesteryear, so I started digging. By the time Mike noticed, the sprinkler was pretty much unearthed and a huge hole had appeared. Well, I guess he was not happy. I was only thinking of him when I dug for gold, har har! He made me stop with his screaming before I reached the jackpot.
We do live in a region where gold was commonly found, and dug from mines. That gold was then loaded on stagecoaches and hauled to another town, but frequently there was a robbery and the precious gold was gone. A hideout for those robbers is nearby so I feel the need to dig. There’s gold around here somewhere, har har! Ok, there were also robbers rounded up and hung — yikes. At least if I find a treasure chest of gold, I guess the robber is still swinging from a rope around his neck and the gold is now all mine. MINE, I tell you!
Anyway, I will keep digging every time I see a depression in fresh dirt, a gopher hole, a rock pushed aside or just anything that catches my attention. Sooner or later I’ll strike gold and be rich. I’m not certain I will share my riches with Mike because his screaming when I dig a big hole is becoming annoying. Guess I will know when I have really dug a big enough hole when I see him coming with a long rope in his hand. Gulp.
Just keep on digging, har har! There’s gold somewhere! —Cameron