The calendar wasn’t going fast enough from August to September — so I took the initiative to take it down myself!
The other week, I was passing through Mike’s office when I noted his calendar was still on the August page. I know bird hunting seasons open in September, so to rush time, I ripped August off the wall and tossed it in the trash after some shredding. Well, seems the game department still makes everyone wait for sunrise on September 1. Oops….
The good news is Mike saw the upland season was at hand so we went sage grouse scouting. If you drive far from civilization and see sage brush for miles and miles in all direction, you just might be in a habitat swarming with sage grouse.
After I was out of the truck, I smelled it — the scent of birds. I had my nose to the ground and was running about as I tracked the birds. Those sage grouse were wandering along the edge of the trail, but they must have spotted me and dove into the brush. Five minutes later, I was also in the brush and I could smell, then hear, and eventually see sage grouse. Woo hoo! I chased, and in an instant nine birds were airborne and cackling as they took wing. Ah, my experience as a bird dog was reaping its rewards.
However, Mike didn’t have his shotgun and didn’t seem prepared to take any of those delicious sage grouse down, and then I remembered — it was not hunting season; so we returned to the truck and drove to other areas to scout about.
Upland and migratory bird hunting season open soon and I am pumped. Hope Mike’s shotgun practice pays off or we will be eating store purchased foods. I’m not complaining, but I like grilled sage grouse that I pointed and retrieved much, much more than any local grocery has for sale.
So, if you haven’t already, turn your calendar to September and get out there and hunt!—Cameron