Thirsty for adventure, Chris Dorsey has traveled the globe hunting and fishing, while filming and writing about those same experiences.

Chances are he is responsible for at least one of your favorite outdoor television shows and this week Chris joins us to talk about one of his newest outdoor television series, Sporting Classics with Chris Dorsey. Listen in as Chris talks about this big adventure themed show, his most memorable experiences over the last 20 years and his latest project, Director’s Cut.

Different from other outdoor hunting and fishing themed shows, Sporting Classics with Chris Dorsey sets itself apart based on the variety of different species and locations that the show chronicles. The Sporting Classics brand has always been a big adventure brand and magazine, Chris says, so the show is a natural fit as it shares that same DNA. The second season features hunting and fishing adventures from Argentina, Mexico, Canada, Zambia, Cameroon, Australia and across the US. The thing about television, he says, is that even if you aren’t going to experience something first hand for yourself, the opportunity is available to you even if vicariously through the screen. Sporting Classics with Chris Dorsey offers that kind of stay at home, big adventure experience to viewers. In creating the show, Chris says they are careful about drawing viewers in and strive to not only tell the story of a hunt but also provide background and context to that hunt. It’s not just a “we came, we saw, we conquered” kind of show, he says, instead they try to honor and do justice to the overall experience.

With decades of big adventure under his belt, Chris says it’s hard to choose just one hunt as his “greatest of all-time” experience. He has been within attacking distance of many dangerous game animals, visited some of the most incredible places on earth, harvested beautiful animals and taken away a lot of memories along the way. It’s difficult to choose just one because there are so many different factors at play including the animal you are hunting, the place you’re visiting, the people you are hunting with and even the road to getting to those different destinations. Often, it’s not the hunt at all that is memorable, but rather the circumstances that surround it. Chris recalls a memorable hunt in Alaska where he and actor Gerald McRaney were in pursuit of brown bears. However, the very tumultuous plane ride in foul weather to get them to their hunting grounds is what makes that particular experience stand out to him so clearly, not the chasing of big Alaskan brown bears. He also talks about a close call while moose hunting on the Wabasca River in northern Alberta, Canada. Floating the river in large canoes, Chris says his hunting party got caught in a dangerous ice floe that nearly buckled and sank their canoe. Without the calm head, quick thinking and unusual actions of the guide, Chris says the river could have consumed them all. However, the genius life-preserving moment sticks with him still today.

Chris has spent years not only hunting and experiencing everything the outdoors has to offer around the globe, but also documenting it through written features as well as photography and cinematography and then transforming that footage into outdoor television shows. Through his production company, Dorsey Pictures, Chris has created 55+ separate outdoor television series, in addition to other popular television programs on mainstream cable networks. He’s also a prolific outdoor writer and the author of several books. His outdoor resume is as impressive as his business resume having hunted and fished on five continents, harvesting all twenty-nine North American big game species, Africa’s dangerous seven and the seven species Turkey World Slam, among other achievements.

The totality of his experiences in the outdoors and documenting them have ultimately enabled him to create his newest project, Director’s Cut…Big game hunting through the lens of the largest outdoor TV producer in history. This is a book and film production that is more than 20 years in the making. Chris says when he started out 25 years ago, it wasn’t with this project in mind. What he intended to do was to build a library of amazing footage of big game hunts all over the globe. He has achieved that with more than 150,000 hours of HD footage from around the world. In addition, he also has incredible still photography that captures those hunts. Doing something that nobody else has ever done before, Chris has written, Director’s Cut, a book that details some of the best and most interesting big game hunts in the world. That book is accompanied by a four-hour DVD set so readers can not only read about these adventures and look at the photos of the exact hunt he is talking about, but also watch companion films from the same hunt. Chris credits his extensive library of content that has been years in the making in order to make this project a reality.

Listen in as Chris Dorsey talks about season two of Sporting Classics with Chris Dorsey Saturdays at 12:30 p.m. ET on Outdoor Channel as well as Director’s Cut, available now.

dircetor's cut book coverThe World Of Sporting Literature Has A New Classic from one of the planet’s most widely traveled hunters. Director’s Cut…Big game hunting through the lens of the largest outdoor TV producer in history, is a book and film production more than 15 years in the making. Author and Executive Producer Chris Dorsey, along with a team of the world’s best sporting life photographers and cinematographers, embarked on expeditions to distant corners of the globe to create an indelible portrait of big game hunting.

Dorsey has spent the past 25 years investigating and chronicling the animals, people and unforgettable places home to remarkable big game hunts while producing nearly 60 outdoor adventure television series. In the process, his teams amassed a library of more than 100,000 hours of HD footage and nearly 150,000 photographs, making Director’s Cut (the book and DVD) an unmatched celebration of the world of big game hunting. Buy Now