Serious hunters understand the value of using powerful, top-of-the-line optics. Here are five factors to consider before making the investment in the best hunting binoculars.

SPONSORED CONTENT   Any avid hunter knows that one should spend the majority of the hunt behind binoculars rather than a rifle scope. Surveying the area, studying movements and maintaining situational awareness all play key roles in making that first shot a success. By investing in comfortable, high-quality binoculars, hunters maximize their capabilities while keeping their distance from wary game. In your search for the most optimal optics, there are many elements to take into account. The best binoculars for hunting prioritize ergonomics, quality glass and durability, making significant contributions to the success of your hunt.


best hunting binoculars

Swarovksi’s NL Pure binoculars have a forehead rest attachment option for hours of maximum comfort.

There may be nothing more frustrating than enduring discomfort for long periods of time when you need to remain as still as possible. Constantly having to fidget and adjust not only distracts you from the task at hand but will also alert your quarry to your presence. Rather than feeling like yet another piece of equipment you have to haul along, premium binoculars should feel as if they are a part of you.

The best optics have an ergonomic design that fits naturally in your hands and rests comfortably at eye level. Ideally, you’ll forget you’re even using them, even for hours at a time. Swarovski understands the importance of designing an optic that is one with the hunter, and its new NL Pure binoculars are just that. With its revolutionary ergonomic shape, hunters enjoy the viewing experience with ease and comfort. In fact, hunters even have the option to add the FRP forehead rest, taking comfort to the next level.

Field of View

The purpose of using the best binoculars for hunting is to let you see what’s coming long before you can see it with the naked eye. Binoculars with a narrow field of view inherently limit the visibility of the peripheral. Like a horse with blinders, you will only see what is right in front of you until you turn your head. That hinders your ability to maintain as motionless and situationally aware as possible.

best binoculars for huntersThe NL Pure alleviates this hindrance by offering the largest-ever field of view. Its almost indiscernible edges allow for seamless viewing, further immersing you in the moment. The NL Pure is Swarovski’s natural progression of constantly improving what has proven to perform well. By improving on an already impressive technology, Swarovski continues to create for hunters the most immersive experience possible.


The truly best binoculars for hunting have powerful higher magnification without sacrificing clarity and stability. With the right set of optics, the hunter can discern the size, sex and quality of their quarry from a long distance. The higher the magnification, the more sensitive the optics are to small movements. The NL Pure comes in 8x, 10x and 12x magnification, which are optimal in most hunting situations. Choosing the right magnification for you is based on the type of hunting you do.

Quality Glass

Comfort, field of view and magnification mean very little without quality glass. It is high-quality glass and lens coating that make all of these elements come together to create a true-to-life image with pin-sharp clarity. The best lens coatings provide contrast, color rendering and light transmission. When hunting in the low light of dusk and dawn, relying on inferior optics leads to eye strain and an obscure image. The best binoculars for hunting enhance the viewing experience, making it effortless, not demanding.

It’s no secret that Swarovski is known for its glass, unmatched in the optic market. Glass quality affects image quality. The NL Pure was designed with avid hunters in mind – when every inch matters, hunters trust the technology of these optics.

best binoculars for hunters


Whether glassing a rocky mountain range in the heat, a dense forest in the rain or an icy glacier in the snow, hunters need trustworthy, durable optics that stand the test of time in any weather condition. Investing in the proper equipment ensures confidence in the hunter that they are taking the right animal at the right time in the right spot. Most hunters who purchase a cheap pair of binoculars end up investing in higher quality optics later on.

Serious hunters spend the majority of the hunt behind binoculars rather than a rifle scope. Like a quality rifle, premium optics are a lifetime investment that significantly contribute to the success of the hunt. See nuances across the land, change your approach based on activity not seen with the naked eye. Hunt smarter by seeing with a new perspective and adapting your methods to suit.

So what are the best binoculars for hunting?

These elements of comfortability, field of view, magnification, quality glass and value combine to envelop you in a fully immersive experience while keeping your distance from wary game. When choosing the best binoculars for hunting, look for optics that take each of these factors into account. With the right equipment, hunters maximize the capabilities of the sense they rely on most – the sense of sight.

best hunting binocularsUsing premium optics contributes significantly to the success of the hunt. Without the best equipment, you are compromising your ability to see quick movements in the low light conditions of dawn and dusk when animals are most active. Relying on low-quality binoculars or solely on the naked eye leads to missed opportunities.

With Swarovski’s NL Pure binoculars, hunters can glass for their trophy with just one hand, and with extreme precision and clarity. See the eyelashes of an elk from 200 yards away. Experience the vivid colors of the stream below as a doe and fawn take a drink. Immerse yourself in those unforgettable moments behind the optics that make it possible.