The Ultimate Lowcountry Boil Does Exist
It will truly connect us to the farm, the sea and each other, and properly honor our ancestors and the Southern coastal way of life, if only we will take the time to do it right. We’ve all seen the Southern magazines with their articles, “How to Make the Perfect...
Perks of a Pudelpointer
If you want a gundog that can do everything very well in open field or woodland or water, and then be a mellow member of the household, consider the pudelpointer. The revolutions of 1848 were a series of spontaneous and uncoordinated uprisings that began in France and...
Outdoor Channel to Livestream Chapters of Chris Dorsey’s “Director’s Cut”
Watch Outdoor Channel's Facebook Livestream this week for a sneak peek of Director's Cut and a chance to chat with Chris Dorsey. Tune in for a sneak peek of Director’s Cut…Big game hunting through the lens of the largest outdoor TV producer in history on the Outdoor...
Utah Biologists Discover Illegally Introduced Fish
During their annual spring surveys, Utah DWR biologists discovered something they hate to see — two more waterbodies had fish illegally dumped into them. In an effort to survey how fish populations are doing in various waterbodies, DWR biologists place nets in...
One Big Bull Elk, No Rifle
I’m still not sure who was more startled when our trails suddenly crossed, that big bull elk or me. Bear Canyon. Iron Springs. The Beaver Slide. Cañones Creek, Grouse Mesa, Bandit Peak, and the great Poso Valley—all names of places I have come to treasure over the...
Puppy-Training Tips from the Pro
Legendary dog trainer, Al Brenneman, promoted a simple, straightforward, common-sense approach to starting a puppy in the field. The best part of doing what I do is the cast of characters it’s allowed me to rub elbows with along the way. In other words, it’s the...
Arizona Wildlife Photography Contest
Do you have a knack for capturing great photos of Arizona’s wildlife? Do you want to see your photo on the cover of Arizona Wildlife Views magazine? Then you won’t want to miss the Arizona Game and Fish Department’s annual wildlife photo contest. This year we’re...
Why Do People Hunt?
We hunt for the same reason that foxes chase mice…because we’re genetically programmed to do it. Evans Chambers and I were reminiscing the other day, as old men are wont to do. Evans lives in Enid, Oklahoma, and has been affiliated with the Grand National Quail Hunt...
Sharing Shelter with the African Leopard
Whether a croc or leopard, the brave young woman handled each close encounter with the same degree of calmness. Mary left the dugout canoe and started to walk through a forest. The rain was coming down hard, but it was warm rain, not the cold rain of her native...
Nebraska GPC Considers Mountain Lion Hunting Season
The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission will consider recommendations for a 2021 mountain lion hunting season at its June 19 meeting in Lincoln. The meeting begins at 9 a.m. at the Nebraska Game and Parks Outdoor Education Center, 4703 N. 44th St. A public hearing is...
How to Cure and Smoke Wild Boar
Curing and smoking pork is a very simple process that has been practiced for hundreds of years. As a boy growing up in very rural Red River County in northeast Texas, I remember watching my dad cure and smoke hams from the domestic hogs he raised. Through the years,...
Montana FWP Offers Reward for Information in Illegal Bald Eagle Kill
Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service are offering rewards totaling $3,000 for information in their investigation of a bald eagle that was illegally killed near Reed Point. The dead eagle had a small game arrow in it when it was...
Maryland Waterfowl Festival Postponed Until 2021
For the first time in its history, the iconic Waterfowl Festival that draws 15,000+ people to Easton, Maryland each year will not be held this November – at least not in its usual form. Instead, the Festival, along with conservation partner Waterfowl Chesapeake, will...
Did You Ever? Vanishing Aspects of Youth in Yesteryear
I would contend that boyhood in yesteryear, when most pursuits involved being outdoors, had it all over today’s technology-driven world. Increasingly with the passage of time I find myself reflecting on things I did as a youngster. That’s the purview of age, and as...
California Deer and Pig Hunting Applications
The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) is now accepting applications for a limited number of deer and pig hunting permits for opening weekend of the A Zone general season, Aug. 8–9, 2020. This is not a special hunt, but rather a drawing to control the...
All Writers Are Liars
All writers are liars, whether reef-fishing miles offshore on the Atlantic or fishing through a hole in the north country ice. The smokestack of the hulk gloomed from the depths, barely visible when the July sun ricocheted off the surface of the sea. Halfway to the...
South Dakota GFP and Tourism to Bring More Pheasant Hunters
At their June meeting, the Game, Fish and Parks Commission received an update on a marketing plan that’s been developed through a collaboration between the Departments of Game, Fish and Parks (GFP) and Tourism. The 3-year plan is the result of a workgroup that was put...
FOX Nation to Debut New Series FOX Nation Outdoors
Officials from Dorsey Pictures announce that the new series FOX Nation Outdoors debuts June 8 on FOX Nation Officials from Dorsey Pictures, the world’s largest producer of outdoor adventure television and the only production company with outdoor DNA named to Real...
Snake Tales: Too-Close-for-Comfort Snake Encounters
As I reached up with the rope, I found myself eye-to-eye with a very large cottonmouth moccasin. Like, really large. You probably won’t find this a shocking news flash, but most folks don’t like snakes. Even at the sight of one, most will flee for shelter, or grab the...
Copley Fine Art Auctions Sporting Sale July 23, 2020
On Thursday, July 23, Copley Fine Art Auctions, the nation’s premier decoy and sporting art auction house, will host their Sporting Sale 2020. The sale, consisting of 294 lots, will offer the opportunity to take home world-class paintings and bird carvings. Auctioneer...
An Alaskan Fishing Valhalla
If you’re looking for rainbow trout the size of salmon, Crystal Creek Lodge awaits. Of all the world’s trout and salmon fisheries, none hold a fly rod to Bristol Bay, Alaska. It sits at the eastern most arm of the Bering Sea and is 250 miles long and 180 miles wide at...
Nebraska Big Game Draw Permit Applications
Hunters may begin applying for 2020 big game draw permits June 8. Residents and nonresidents may apply for one deer permit, residents may apply for one elk permit, and residents and eligible landowners may apply for one antelope permit. The application period begins...
Wayward in Hayward
What amounts to a pale comparison for your grizzled mentors may be the best you've ever seen. The man who taught me grouse and woodcock lives with his wife in a Vermont hamlet just this side of Canada. He has some gray in his beard these days but only enough to make...
South Carolina Adds Limits to Protect Fish Species
Limits to help protect two popular South Carolina fish species were recently added to South Carolina’s fish and game laws. Legislators passed catch and minimum size limits for both Atlantic spadefish and Atlantic tripletail, two coastal fish that previously lacked...
Sunday Shenanigans: Mysterious Ways
Sunday or not, day of rest or not, I reckon we've got a pair of bucks out in the woods that need to be tended to. When modern deer hunting seasons were first established in Georgia during the late 1950s and early '60s, it was against the law to hunt on Sunday in many...
The Waterhole
At the muddy little pond, a 12-year-old boy would find his place in the world. The Pearman farm in Wythe County, Virginia, near Porter's Crossroads, was 798 acres of pasture, small grains and sinkhole hardwoods under the watchful eye of my maternal great aunt, May,...
Michigan Tagged Fish Could Net Cash Reward
According to Jay Wesley, Lake Michigan Basin coordinator, fish tag returns help biologists understand survival, age and movement of important sportfish. People who regularly fish Michigan waters likely are familiar with the state’s marked and tagged fish program....
Wildlife Forever Announces the Winners of the 2020 State-Fish Art Contest
Wildlife Forever and Bass Pro Shops are proud to announce the winners of the 2020 State-Fish Art Contest. A distinguished panel of judges selected winners from over 5,000 entries received from 47 states and 32 international countries. On May 18th, judges from around...
Like Once It Was
I thank God most weekdays, and sometimes twice on Sunday, that there's not a Trout Angler's Sportsman Society. That, in modern matter, the fine art of fly fishing for species Salmo continues quietly and foremostly a gentleman's endeavor, largely unsullied by mass...
Choice of the Litter: Found
"He wondered if the dog would recognize him, hoping in one breath that he wouldn't and in the next knowing it would be the cruelest blow he ever suffered." The captain led Ben into a small study. "Ben," he said, I’m looking for a good young dog. A real field trial...
Pheasant Hunting with Tom Brokaw
"I live in cities now and travel the world but I keep coming back to this prairie because I know this is where I belong.” Even at his busiest sitting at the anchor’s desk of NBC News for more than 20 years—longer than Walter Cronkite at CBS—Tom Brokaw managed annual...
North Dakota Deer Application Deadline June 3
Hunters are reminded the deadline for submitting applications for the 2020 deer gun season is Wednesday, June 3. With North Dakota Game and Fish Department offices closed to public access until further notice, applicants for regular deer gun, youth and muzzleloader...
Nebraska “Take ‘Em Fishing” Giveaway
Take Someone Fishing. Submit Pictures of Your Adventures. Win Prizes. You love to fish. It’s how you enjoy a beautiful day, and how you relax after a stressful week. It’s an excuse to spend time outdoors, away from screens and obligations. And it’s the very best way...
Choice of the Litter: Lost
It was to him a very simple thing and the wonder was that the others, the older ones, were so stupid and confused. It was only a matter of going back a few years to when he was ten and her age, and thinking as he had thought then. The old urges and desires and faiths...
Pondering Ponds
Sit quietly and a pond will bear its soul to you - sharing its myriad sights, smells and sounds - a sort of sensory overload on the gentle cycle. There are several theories as to what differentiates a lake from a pond. Some say a lake is large enough to accommodate...
The Ghost of Old Woman Bay
"There was a sudden rustle in the grass, and I heard the unmistakable whisper of soft and silent feet. But only for an instant, only for a step or two before it stopped and resumed its own curiosity as to what I might be." There are ghosts still there at Old Woman...
Sitka Gear Elements Of The Migration
SPONSORED CONTENT As hunters, we understand the importance of weather and the impact it has on our hunting success. We are constantly checking the winds, temperature and future forecasts for upcoming storms in an attempt to calculate a plan that will result in us...
Rust and Redemption: A Goose-Hunting Revival
The busts accumulated in earnest while he relearned the lessons lost during a decade away from the goose blind. Dawn had come and gone but the geese still squabbled from the roost, holding tight to a small pond tucked into the rolling topography of central Wisconsin...
When a Zero Bar Cost a Nickel
All grown up and reputable now, it's time to be proper, to forget about catchin' carp and all those boyhood memories, back when a Zero bar cost a nickel. I wish I wasn't so sophisticated as I am, so I could just haul off in the daylight and find me a good carp pond...
South Carolina Shrimp Season Begins May 27
Commercial shrimp trawling will open in all legal South Carolina waters at 8 a.m. on Wednesday, May 27, 2020. Shrimping season in South Carolina typically starts in spring with the opening of a small subset of waters, called provisional areas, that allow shrimpers to...
Alabama Alligator Registration Opens June 2, 2020
The Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (ADCNR) will open online registration for the state’s regulated alligator hunts on June 2, at 8 a.m. Registration must be completed by 8 a.m., July 8. A total of 260 Alligator Possession Tags will be...
Sir John Seerey-Lester 1945-2020
John Seerey-Lester, one of the giants in the world of wildlife art, died on May 19 after a short battle with cancer. A resident of Osprey, Florida, John was born and raised in England, then relocated to America in 1980. He loved his adopted country and became a...
Utah Antlerless Deer and Elk Hunts
Want some local elk or deer meat? Apply for antlerless hunts, starting May 28 If putting locally sourced, nutritious meat on the table while enjoying Utah's beautiful outdoors sounds good to you, take note that the application period for Utah's 2020 antlerless...
Oregon Big Game Raffle Tickets Available Until May 30
Want a chance to hunt big game for months and during the rut—or a rare chance to hunt for a bighorn sheep or Rocky Mountain goat? Big game raffle tickets are on sale until May 30 at 6 p.m. online at MyODFW’s licensing page and at license sales agents. Raffle tags won...
Hornady Family Traditions
With only a surplus bullet press in a rented garage, Joyce Hornady began building a company that produces some of the most innovative ammo on today's market. A hardy and long-season cultivar, Brussels sprouts continued to thrive on English farms through the hard years...
What’s the Rush? The Best Time to Neuter/Spay Your Dog
The practice of neutering at an early age may increase a dog's risk for developing a laundry list of serious health problems. In terms of wisdom-per-page, a slim little paperback called Common Sense Grouse and Woodcock Dog Training by Roy W. Strickland as told to John...
Sunday Shenanigans: The Law
When modern deer hunting seasons were first established in Georgia during the late 1950s and early '60s, it was against the law to hunt on Sunday in many (if not all) Georgia counties. Sometimes these laws were enforced and sometimes they weren't, depending on the...
The Fanged Whitetail
Q: A friend told me he shot a whitetail doe that had small upper canines or bugling teeth like an elk. Not sure I believe him. When I asked about seeing the skull, he said it was at a taxidermist who was doing a complete skull mount for him. Is there really such a...
Idaho Spring Fishing Guide
Fish and Game crews have been stocking trout and other fish, and anglers will have ample opportunity to catch them. “Our hatchery staff continues to provide Idaho anglers with fishing opportunities throughout the state,” Fish and Game State Hatchery Manager Gene...
North Dakota Walleye Tagging Studies
The North Dakota Game and Fish Department continues to conduct walleye tagging studies across the state. At Lake Sakakawea, the state’s largest fishery, Department fisheries biologists are in the second year of a four-year walleye tagging study. The goal on Sakakawea...