A Night With the White Goats
For rugged grandeur and soundless solitude, pursue the majestic white goats in their mountain haunts. Having hunted elk, sheep and other big game through the West in previous years, we were anxious to add a goat’s head to our modest collection. After many inquiries...
Quiz: Are You an Ultimate Survivalist?
Take the quiz below to test your survival skills. Loading...
Alabama North Zone Dove Season 2020 to Begin Early
The North Zone Alabama dove season will open on Labor Day weekend this year, a week earlier than most people are accustomed to. Alabama Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries (WFF) Director Chuck Sykes wants to make sure dove hunters are not caught flat-footed this...
Tips for Tying the Perfect Fishing Knots
A well-tied fishing knot can make the difference between a great day and heartbreak. For a new angler, landing a nice fish knowing the hook is secured by a strong knot is a satisfying feeling. On the other hand, losing that same fish with a subpar knot is...
Beloved Duck Stamp Artist, Maynard Reece, Dies at Age 100
Duck Stamp and wildlife artist, Maynard Reece, died July 11, though his legend will live on through the artwork he created over the past century. Maynard Fred Reece was born to Waldo and Inez Reece on April 26,1920 in Arnolds Park, Iowa. After graduating from Earlham...
U.S. Helice Association to Host National Championship Tournament July 24-26, 2020
Shooters from across the U.S. will be competing to make the U.S. Helice World Team that will compete in Italy in the fall of 2020. Helice is one of the fastest growing shotgun shooting sports in America and is expecting about 80-100 competitors to participate in the...
Sporting Classics TV: Saskatchewan’s Wheeler River Lodge
In episode 3, season 2, Chris Dorsey and family travel to Saskatchewan's Wheeler River Lodge for bear hunting. This week, Sporting Classics with Chris Dorsey features a family adventure far off the grid as Luke, Nate, Amy and Chris Dorsey enjoy a Saskatchewan cast and...
Why Women are the Fastest Growing Segment of the Population Who Hunt
This season more than one million American women will take to the field in search of dinner. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported a 24 percent increase in cancer rates in men and 21 percent increase in women between 2010 and 2020. During the same...
Arizona Leftover Tags Available
Arizona hunters will have an opportunity to receive a hunt permit-tag for select 2020 deer, fall turkey and fall youth-only javelina hunts. There are 287 leftover hunt permit-tags available for general deer hunts, with most of those hunts being for antlered whitetail...
Oregon Illegal Fishing Guide Charged
A second Oregon fishing guide was cited for illegally guiding clients in western Oregon. This follows a similar citation issued last month to a guide in Tillamook County. Carl Burge, 40, of Carlton, had several clients ready to fish the lower Willamette River when he...
A Hoot to Shoot: High-Power Air Guns
Everyone was impressed with the power of 3,000 psi of compressed air blasting a big bullet down the bore. I had the opportunity to join outdoor writers Luke Clayton, Joe Arterburn and Doug Howlett for some east Texas hog hunting. The gathering was sponsored by Pyramyd...
The Sisterhood of Pheasants
Eight ladies, now all good friends, have a blast in the pheasant fields of South Dakota. If you can gauge how good of a day you had by the number of shells you shot, I had a blast. The sore stomach muscles from evenings of hearty laughter shared with new friends was...
A Little Known Disease that Can Affect Man and Dog
Two days after winning an 82-dog open all-age stake in the summer of 2016, Labrador retriever Stinger was barely able to walk... We’re all suckers for a comeback story, and one is, of course, Tiger Woods. Crippled by multiple injuries, his career in limbo and his...
A Soul-Searching Hunter Must Be Prepared For Surprises
In reflecting on the hunts of my past, I surprised even myself with hopes for the hunts still to come. It wasn’t long ago that my personal odometer turned 60. Other than a passing mention at an unrelated family gathering, no one seemed to care. That suited me just...
New Mexico Wildlife Crimes Net $74,000 in Restitution
On June 23, 2020, Sandoval County Judge James A. Noel ordered Cody W. Davis of Arnegard, N.D. to pay $74,000 in restitution to the state for poaching a trophy mule deer buck. This civil restitution included $20,000 for the mule deer which was killed out of season,...
The Great Jonesboro Squirrel Safari
We both hunched forward in the classic posture endemic to hunters worldwide when stalking dangerous game. And this was truly a dangerous beast. It was a Mahler-Besse Château Biré French Bordeaux Supérieur, vintage 1995, and I had been saving that bottle of wine for...
Granddaddy of Them All: The Sage Grouse
A symbol of the iconic West, the sage grouse fed pioneers and homesteaders and now provides challenging sport for hunters. It started with a wisp of a Brittany puppy that didn’t weigh much more than a sage grouse. My go-to bird dog, a wonderful, wacky male Brittany...
The Outdoorsman’s Playground
Argentina is famous for its unmatched volume of wingshooting and spectacular trout fishing – an outdoorsman’s playground like no other place on Earth. Argentina is known for its culture, cuisine, wine, tango, and for outdoorsmen Argentina offers what is perhaps the...
Safe Hunting at High Altitudes
When hunting above 8,000 feet, be sure to add time in your travel schedule to acclimatize for several days, especially if you are coming from sea level. I had just finished graduate school and, as a gift to myself, I had arranged to meet with friends in Colorado for...
Jaguars’ Jawaan Taylor Catches 400-pound Grouper
The former Gator caught a 400-pound Goliath grouper during a fishing trip last week. Jawaan Taylor, the Jacksonville Jaguars offensive tackle, now has an epic fish tale to tell his teammates when practice and the new NFL season returns. A viral video posted Thursday...
Back in the Saddle…After 44 Years
The hunting jacket collar was adorned with a band of gold wool, indicating that I had earned my “colors”—official membership with The Camden Hunt. I reached into the left, front pocket of my foxhunting jacket, a vintage black and grey-flecked wool frock made by...
In his struggles to get free, the silver king performed a series of magnificent, never-before-seen tactics. To capture the fish is not all of the fishing. Yet there are circumstances which make this philosophy hard to accept. I have in mind an incident of angling...
The Easy Art of Cricket Flickin’
He slowly pulled the hook, line and cricket toward his cheek, the pole’s tip bending back, and released the missile. Donald was my father-in-law way back in the ’90s. Or you could say it was the “past century.” He didn’t live to see the new hip millennial century....
A Hurricane, a Double Gun and a Pilgrimage
The hurricane roared through like a runaway train, like a Seaboard freight with a stuck throttle. Fifteen inches of rain in fifteen hours, wind a-hundred-plus-Jesus, tornados on the back side, it tore hell out of the piney ridges and swamp-ground hardwoods in between....
Copley’s Livestream Fine-Art Auction July 23, 2020
Copley Fine Art Auctions will host their Sporting Sale 2020 via Livestream on July 23 The sale, consisting of 294 lots, will offer the opportunity to take home world-class paintings and bird carvings. Auctioneer Peter Cocculuto will be conducting the live sale once...
Tennessee Conservation Raffle: Win Fishing Trip with Bill Dance
An angler’s dream fishing trip with the legendary Bill Dance is one of the outstanding packages available for a lucky winner in the 2020 Tennessee Conservation Raffle The fishing package is one of the seven priceless outdoor experience adventures put together this...
South Dakota “Snapshot” Photo Contest
South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks (GFP) has officially launched their new photo contest, Snapshot South Dakota. This department-sponsored contest will focus on capturing the beauty of our outdoor resources in South Dakota. The photo contest is open to all individuals,...
The North American “Amazon” You’ve Never Heard Of—And Why It’s In Peril
How the cradle of our continent’s bird life is being rocked When last September’s chilling news from Cornell University’s Laboratory of Ornithology hit press wires reporting a decline of some three billion birds across North America since the 1970s, there was one...
Oklahoma Man Snags Record-Breaking Paddlefish
Edmond, OK Angler Snags New State-Record Paddlefish at 146.7 Pounds The world record for paddlefish taken with rod and reel will likely fall to a giant 146.7-pound Oklahoma monster snagged at Keystone Lake on June 28 by James Lukehart of Edmond. The massive fish was...
Hunting Ocellated Turkey: Season 2 Premiere of “Sporting Classics with Chris Dorsey”
The premiere episode chronicles a journey into the jungles of the Yucatan outside of Campeche, Mexico, to hunt the gorgeous ocellated turkey. The eastern wild turkey of North American is one of the great conservation success stories and hunters played a direct role in...
Superior Firearms at Double Guns of Nashville
Double Guns of Nashville has become a focal point of superior firearms selection, service, accessories and advice to hunters and shooters nationwide. We dodged tables of wood and stacks of boxes, along with assorted tools, brooms, electric saws and power cords as we...
Wisconsin 2021 Bear Hunting Application Period Begins July 1
The application period for the 2021 bear hunting season will open July 1 after the successful completion of legislative review. The application deadline remains Dec. 10, 2020. Applicants are reminded to be aware of the new bear management zone boundaries as their...
Hunters’ Adventures: Our Reason for Being
For the true hunter, the adventure never ends. Instead, it permeates our lives and becomes a reason for being. Montana's big game opener just came and went. I spent the day working through miles of good country and didn't see an antler, not even a porcupine-gnawed...
Good Dogs Buried
How many good dogs you gonna bury before one buries you? Blue weighed 90 pounds, with webbed feet big as biscuits, long legs and a deep chest, the biggest Lab bitch I ever saw, out of Tomahawk, Wisconsin, from a kennel of field champions. An undertaker gave her away....
Monarchs with the Curling Horns
"Ram!" It kicks you in the heart when you hear it hissed by your guide, or better yet, when you whisper it to yourself on a solo hunt. They surely do have a hold me, those monarchs with the curling horns. Always have, at least since I can remember. Over the years,...
Texas Treasure: The Axis Deer
With their magnificent antlers and beautiful dappled coats, axis deer have become one of the Lone Star State’s most coveted trophy animals. A good hunt lingers in memory with more satisfaction than nearly all other sweet reminisces. I recall hunts with friends – the...
Season 2 of Sporting Classics with Chris Dorsey Returns to Outdoor Channel Monday June 29th
Hit series reached 13.5 million viewers in its inaugural season through cable, syndication, and international distribution Officials from Dorsey Pictures, a Red Arrow Studios company, the world’s largest producer of outdoor adventure television and the only production...
Florida’s TrophyCatch Program Celebrates 10,000 Catches
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission’s TrophyCatch program has awarded prizes for the catch and release of more than 10,000 largemouth bass. Thus far, 8,006 Lunker Club, 1,966 Trophy Club and 78 Hall of Fame fish comprise this landmark occasion. “If...
Vermont Moose Hunting Permit Applications Open
The deadline to apply for a Vermont moose hunting permit is July 8. Moose permit applications are available on the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department’s website for the hunt limited to Vermont’s Wildlife Management Unit (WMU) E in the northeastern corner of the...
Heidi, The Record-Breaking Retriever
No dog, to anybody's knowledge, has done what Heidi did and racked up all the upland birds and all the migratory birds. In the late 1990s, on a beach in Vancouver, British Columbia, George Calef's eye was caught by a smallish chocolate Lab. The dog was retrieving a...
Born in the Carolinas: Catfish Stew
There are a million ways to create the culinary concoction known as catfish stew, and almost as many ingredient variations. If one were to Google the origins of catfish stew, the first thing you will likely see is an image of the American flag. Hell yeah, born in the...
Celebrity Fishermen and Women
The chances of running into Jimmy Buffett at the dock or President George W. Bush at the fly shop are pretty slim, but there are a lot of celebs who enjoy wetting a line like the rest of us. Here are a few notables who could be working the same waters as you one of...
The Mountains Are Calling
Calling to a gobbler is a way to try your hand, or mouth, at a bit of magic. I always have to convince myself that the first gobbler I hear in the spring was really a gobbler. It wasn’t a woodpecker hammering on a hickory, or a distant dog barking. It was a turkey....
Life by the Horns: Bull-Rider and Hunter Luke Snyder
From bull-riding royalty to becoming a member of one of the outdoor world's most prominent families, Luke Snyder still has life by the horns. There are few guarantees in life but this one is a lead-pipe cinch: If you ever have the pleasure of meeting bull-riding...
Wisconsin Wild Turkey, Pheasant And Waterfowl Stamp Design Competitions
Wisconsin artists have until July 15 to submit artwork for the 2021 Wild Turkey, Pheasant and Waterfowl Stamp design contests. Entries must be received or postmarked by July 15, 2020, and judging will take place in a closed session on July 30. For many years, the...
Arkansas Applications Open for Public Land Alligator Hunts
People interested in chasing an Arkansas alligator on public land and water this fall have until midnight June 30 to put their name in the hat. Applications for the 2020 Arkansas alligator season are available online. Each permit authorizes the harvest of one...
The World’s Most Comprehensive Collection of American Firearms
With 7,000 firearms and 30,000 related artifacts on display, the Cody Firearms Museum has the world's most comprehensive collection of American firearms. Roughhewn men walked the streets with guns. Aggressive kids plinked at cans in backyards and sharp-eyed women...
Remembering The Ultimate Bonefish Destination
How Hurricane Dorian reshaped the world of flats fishing Deep Water Cay, some would argue, offered some of the best bonefishing in the Bahamas—if not the entire Caribbean. It was a destination created in 1958 by angling legend Gil Drake and Field & Stream editor...
Nebraska Man Catches Record-Breaking, 89-Pound Catfish
Richard Hagen caught an 89-pound flathead catfish — a new state record — in the Missouri River last week. Richard Hagen had just landed a 12-pound channel cat on one rod when his other twitched, bobbed and then bent. He picked it up — and didn’t let go of it for...
Not For Sale: My Faithful Field Companion
She wasn't the most beautiful shotgun in the world. But from the moment I saw her, I knew she must be mine. "There's someone here in the lobby to see you." Dang! I have no time for this, I thought. "Who is it? Do they have an appointment?" I barked. I could hear the...