Boone and Crockett Club Hosts First Annual Conservation Auction
Proceeds from the auction will ensure that the Boone and Crockett Club's vital conservation policy, research and education initiatives continue far into the future. The Boone and Crockett Club has partnered with dozens of iconic brands and generous benefactors to...
Gun Control Laws Face Stiff Opposition From Nation’s Sheriffs
Showdown Looms as Dem’s Gun Control Agenda Likely to Meet Stiff Opposition From Nation’s Sheriffs Who Say They Will Not Enforce Unconstitutional Laws President Biden’s recent remarks on the three-year anniversary of the Parkland, Florida shooting that saw a gunman...
Spey Casting: Learning to Fish for a Fish on a Mission
The powerful Spey rod allowed peasants to cast into forbidden waters.
Candid Cameron: How to Give a Proper Compliment
This week Cameron the Weimaraner shares how he gives his "compliments to the chef" in a way that is sure to never go unnoticed. I’ve mentioned in the past I like food. While brown crunchy, alias dog food, is served in my home three times per day, I also like other...
How to Prepare Game Stock for Cooking
Kick those tried-and-true recipes up a notch! This simple game stock recipe adds powerful flavor to any kind of sauce used for game cookery. One of the most important operations in game cookery is to know how to prepare game stock, also called "Fumet" (raciness)....
10 Turkey Hunting Mistakes to Avoid
Avoiding these 10 all-too-common turkey hunting mistakes is sure to increase your chances in finally bagging that glorious gobbler. As turkey hunters, we are hopelessly lost souls doomed to have misery and misfortune as pretty near constant companions. When one of the...
Key Nutrients to Aid Healthy Digestion in Sporting Dogs
Taking care of your dog’s digestive system through nutrition is a great first step to help maximize their potential in the fields and blinds. SPONSORED CONTENT Digestion is important for sporting dogs to perform at high levels. Diets made from high-quality ingredients...
Seeing with a Hunter’s Heart
Hunting is paradoxical: Immersing one’s self in a hunt that could end in death is life-affirming.
The 55,000-Year-Old Turkey Calls
A South Carolina man transforms ancient cypress, some over 55,100 years old and stood during the Glacial Period, into top-tier turkey calls. Researchers at the University of Georgia dated the cypress log at 55,100 years old, but admitted it may, in fact, be much, much...
Eukanuba Pro Trainer Wins U.S. National Open Retriever Championship
Al Arthur of Sandhill Retrievers and his dog, Cropper’s Fire in the Hole, win the retriever world’s highest field trial honor, The U.S. National Open Retriever Championship. Held in November 2020 at the National Retriever Club in Giddings, Texas, the competition...
Sucker Gigging the Ozarks
When you’re an Ozarks sucker gigger, it takes a lot more than a cold night to keep you off the water.
Is THIS Why Women Hunt?
Why would any 21st century woman want to hunt?
When Male Dogs Compete, Urine for Trouble
The tendency for male dogs to mark their territory is pretty well known, but these competitive Labs take it to the next level...literally. Anyone who has owned dogs for a long enough period of time has had to deal with such things as snatched food (AKA counter...
Creative Ways to Use Deer Antlers
About the only limitation on the use of deer antlers is one’s level of skill and imagination. Here are some suggested uses for deer antlers. Making Complete Use of Your Deer The “eat what you kill” mantra is commonplace in the sportsman’s world and rightly so; it...
Candid Cameron Gets Caught!
This week Cameron opens up about his traumatic fishing incident and warns others to take safety precautions to avoid a similar fate. I have read all the reports about how safe hunting is, and I have luckily avoided being in hunting accidents. I also have looked...
The Best Time to Go Predator Hunting
There is no better time for predator hunting than now! Are you ready for the challenge? Coyote Time Overhead, southward bound February night clouds played peek-a-boo with the narrow crescent moon. Frigid north winds swirled about the comforting campfire’s flame...
Krieghoff’s 2020 Gun of the Year: The Galapagos
An extraordinary gun for an extraordinary year, Krieghoff's 2020 Gun of the Year captures the beauty and essence of the Galapagos Islands. The Krieghoff Gun of the Year for 2020 portrays the raw beauty of the Galapagos Islands and the vast wildlife that roam the...
Interpreting Dreams
I tend to go "whole hog" when interpreting my fishing dreams. But I've learned interpreting dreams really should be left to professionals. I had a dream. The dream had a foggy feel to it, as if I were standing in poor light. Water lapped against my thighs and I held...
Pickled Smoked Venison Sausage Recipe
Full freezer got you in a pickle? Pickled sausage makes a great gift and it’s easy to make – this pickled smoked venison sausage recipe is a must-try. So it has been a productive deer hunting season and the freezers are packed with venison. (Okay, if it hasn’t, stop...
Are You Really a “Morning Person”?
Leave it to hunters and anglers to fully appreciate the best time of day.
Fishing Premonitions
Though I continue to believe omens, signs or premonitions are total baloney, I did note some rather convincing portents while fishing the Wisconsin River one spring evening. Some people put a lot of faith in omens, signs, premonitions or whatever you choose to call...
20 Turkey Hunting Tips for Pre-Season Preparation
Solid preparation is imperative. Serious turkey hunters are prepared to deal with any situation and leave nothing to chance.
Fish Art Contest Casting For Entries
Students K-12 are invited to enter their original fish illustrations in the 2021 Art of Conservation Fish Art Contest by March 31st. The deadline is fast approaching for the 2021 Art of Conservation Fish Art Contest, supported by Title Sponsor Bass Pro Shops. This...
Lynn Bogue Hunt: The Best That He Could Be
Angler, hunter and above all artist, Lynn Bogue Hunt was America’s most popular and prolific outdoor illustrator of the mid-20th century. Note: This article is an excerpt from Tom Davis' Lynn Bogue Hunt: Angler, Hunter, Artist. Flushed by his success at Sports...
Candid Cameron: The Shopaholic
This week Cameron the Weimaraner shares his secrets to sniffing out the best toys and treasures dog-friendly stores have to offer. Dog toys are awesome. The other day I found a toy that I have had a while but had forgotten. Originally it was a teddy bear. It is now...
If Social Media Fact-Checked Outdoorsmen
If social media started fact-checking the posts we dedicate to exaggerating our outdoor prowess, hunters and anglers would be out of business. “There is, among hard-core fishermen, a conviction that the truth, like pure water and the fish that live in it, is a...
Help Unleash Your Sporting Dog’s Potential
Tailored diets like those offered in Eukanuba’s Premium Performance line provide the right source and amount of energy to help sporting dogs perform at their peak. SPONSORED CONTENT Hard charging sporting dogs—like English pointers and setters, Labrador and golden...
Hare Hunting New Hampshire
Small game hunters unite through the world of social media.
Eight Hilarious Hunting and Fishing Jokes
Jokes from the outdoor world that only sportsmen and women can truly appreciate.
Grandma Was a Squirrel Hunting Fool
It’s not every fellow who can say he grew up under the tutelage of an extraordinary grandma who was a squirrel hunting fool. As a youngster, I was fortunate to spend considerable time around both of my grandmothers. Each, in her own way, was a genuine character. They...
Beauty Really Is in the Eye of the Beholder
Looks truly can be deceiving when it comes to a well-performing bird dog.
The Best Super Bowl Commercial Ever
The best Super Bowl commercial ever for outdoorsmen and women aired this year as Bass Pro CEO Johnny Morris encourages Americans to get back to nature. The outdoor industry is finally bringing the sporting and outdoors lifestyle to the mainstream media during the best...
Simple Smoky-Mountain Fried Trout
Simple and supremely satisfying, this fried trout recipe works well over a fire in backcountry or on the stove in your kitchen.
A Goose Hunt for Harley
Hunting and shooting Canada geese is fun, but watching a very fine dog ‘put the finishing touches’ on our downed geese was just plain joyful.
Secrets to Fly Fishing for Suckers
For those willing to succumb to all that comes with fly fishing for suckers, here are a few secrets to getting those suckers on the fly. Apparently, I have a knack for catching suckers on flies. Having confessed this, it’s not something I recommend unless you are...
Boyds Makes Classic Stock Dreams a Reality
With Boyds classic stock shapes, becoming “one” with your gun comes as naturally as it should, without sacrificing the appeal of traditional firearms. SPONSORED CONTENT You are one in a million…your gun should be, too. Like the glove of a baseball pitcher or the race...
Candid Cameron: Why I Like Birds
This week Cameron the Weimaraner reminisces the trials and errors of his first bird hunt as a young pup pointing pheasants in the field. I can barely remember back when I was young and just a pup, but I rode in a truck and the door opened and Mike, my hunting partner...
The Landmark Vine
I believe most of us who love spending time in the outdoors have places or even landmarks that for one reason or another have become special to us through the years. I’ve written often about a 250-acre piece of outdoor paradise within a mile of my house that I’ve...
Not the Girl Next Door
“When we got married, I thought she said, ‘I do,’ but she must have said, ‘I hunt.’” This past December, my husband and I celebrated our 37th wedding anniversary, and I was surprised that he was just as excited as I was to mark the occasion with an impromptu...
The Perfect Guide Knife
Owen Baker builds the perfect guide knife for the author, who is also a hunting and fishing guide.
Bass Pro Parent Acquires Sportsman’s Warehouse
Sportsman’s Warehouse has entered into a definitive agreement to join the Great American Outdoors Group, parent company of Bass Pro Shops. In an effort to better serve its loyal customers, Sportsman’s Warehouse has entered into a definitive agreement to join the Great...
How Benchrest Shooters Improve Your Hunting Rifle
“If you visited a benchrest competition today, you would see scores of rifles that, other than looking like they had been painted by a graffiti artist on a manic high, are not all that different in shape and weight from your heavy-barreled varmint rifle.”
The Winter Woods
Sitting in the cold winter woods with ear and eye continually scanning the surroundings, the sights and sounds of nature is my idea of perfect entertainment. For one who spends time outdoors through all the seasons in pursuit of fish and game and the simple elation of...
Ideal Hunting Bullet: How To Choose
If the bullet fails, even the world’s most expensive rifle and advanced scope are superfluous. So how do you choose the ideal hunting bullet? How do you choose the ideal hunting bullet? A reader recently asked the following: Good day. I enjoy your articles Ron, but I...
Confessions of a Deer Processor
Some of this may sting a little, but these tips could help improve the way you handle your harvests, the venison you put on the table and may even help improve relations with your favorite deer processor. Like most struggling writers, I have often been forced to seek...
The High-Quality, High-Quantity Hunting Lodge
Shoot your quail and eat it, too! Guests of the Primland Resort hunting lodge in Virginia never have to choose between quantity and quality. SPONSORED CONTENT In the age of technology and instant gratification, quantity seems to be taking precedence over quality. For...
Valentine’s Dinner for Two: Stuffed Pheasant with Rutabaga Silk
Celebrate this Valentine's Day Brays Island style with this stuffed pheasant dinner for two paired with the perfect prosecco. Valentine’s Day is always a favorite holiday at Brays Island, and typically owners have the option to dine at the Plantation Grill with a...
Candid Cameron: New Year, New Scent
Meet Cameron, a five-year-old Weimaraner from Montana with a thirst for adventure...and shenanigans. This week, Cameron questions the importance of bathtime. Well, most upland bird hunting seasons have closed and it was a hectic one for this Weimaraner here in the...
The Cruelest Month
Despite the viciousness of New England’s winter, there are occasionally days when trap and skeet shooters can burn some serious powder at the range.
A Man In Full: Roosevelt’s Early Years
Young Theodore Roosevelt wasn't exactly the strong, confident leader of American history that we know today. Like many of us, Little Teedy started small. Young Theodore Roosevelt, or "Little Teedy," was a sickly child and the doctors didn’t offer much hope. He had a...