10 Tips for Catching Coho

10 Tips for Catching Coho

Avid coho fishing enthusiasts share their tips for catching coho salmon. By following these 10 tips, you will be reeling in coho in no time. If you’ve got a steelhead rod and a handful of spinners and jigs, chances are you’ve already got the gear you need to go coho...

The MeatEater’s Salmon Gravlax Recipe

The MeatEater’s Salmon Gravlax Recipe

Gravlax is easier to make than smoked salmon, and especially when used with the freshest of fish, salmon gravlax tastes cleaner and livelier than smoked salmon. I love smoked salmon as much as the next fisherman, but it's a shame that more anglers don't experiment...

Hunt Smarter with Digital Rifle Scopes

Hunt Smarter with Digital Rifle Scopes

Hunting smarter takes on a new meaning in the age of digital rifle scopes, and the dS Gen. II from Swarovski is second to none. SPONSORED CONTENT      At some point in our education or career, many of us have encountered the phrase "work smarter, not harder." The same...

Robert Abbett Adventures in Sporting Art

Robert Abbett Adventures in Sporting Art

If there is a moral to being a sporting artist, it is the necessary presence of a practical interaction between the artist and nature. There is no substitute for being there and getting some scratches on your pants, so to speak; soaking up the feel of the place and...

Candid Cameron: Not Another Bath

Candid Cameron: Not Another Bath

According to Cameron the Weimaraner, dogs were simply not made to be bathed. Dogs have rules of their own to follow, and bathing isn't one of them. Rule No. 2 in the dog world is if something on the ground smells bad, you pinpoint the offending odor and roll on it....

Keeping the Uplands Alive During the Off-Season

Keeping the Uplands Alive During the Off-Season

These tips for making the most of your off-season time help get you out of the house and prepare for the upland bird hunting season ahead. Sadly enough, the upland hunting season has been over for some time. We pass the days reliving those memories in the field...

Sheep Hunting Changed My Life

Sheep Hunting Changed My Life

This hunt was unlike anything I had ever done. Sheep hunting has changed my life — not just the hunting, but the community it has given me. This hunt is so special to me. It was unlike anything I’ve ever done. I have such an appreciation for all of the work that went...

The Hunter-Conservation Paradox

The Hunter-Conservation Paradox

Future generations depend on our ability to communicate that the catchall phrase of "hunters are conservationists" is not so black and white. Politically, I consider myself to be a crunchy conservative. I'm a hip home-birthing momma, right-wing nature lover,...

Mother Daughter Caribou Hunt

Mother Daughter Caribou Hunt

In retrospect, a mother daughter caribou hunt is more special than I first appreciated… As an Alaskan Hunting Guide, I am obliged to be a trophy oriented hunter for months. But when guiding season ends, my focus changes. My brain switches from Boone & Crockett to...

Portrait of a Poacher

Portrait of a Poacher

A team of diligent agencies and individuals worked together for years to secure the long-awaited guilty plea from Oregon's serial poacher. Kathy Spengler needed to paint a picture. Not a paint-by-numbers type portrait, but one that had to be closer to a masterpiece –...

How to Prepare New Shooters and Hunters for the Shooting Range

How to Prepare New Shooters and Hunters for the Shooting Range

In Nosler's recent tutorial video, Randy Newberg offers 5 tips to help new shooters feel safe and at ease during their first shooting range experience. In a continued effort to support and engage the growing community of new shooters and hunters, Nosler released an...

“No-Bake” Exploding Clays for Off-Season Fun

“No-Bake” Exploding Clays for Off-Season Fun

Crafting your own exploding sporting clays makes for a fun and simple way for you and your family to make shooting season last all year long. When our clay target exploded in a puff of orange smoke my oldest son turned to me and said, “Hey, wait a minute, what was...

Candid Cameron: Plinking the Pigeons

Candid Cameron: Plinking the Pigeons

This Weim Wednesday, Cameron reminds us that it is his job to find birds. That includes the "winged bridge troll" that is the pigeon. As I have noted in my previous writings in this column — I live to hunt. Unfortunately most bird hunting seasons are open September...

The Call for More Gun Control Will Accelerate the Sale of Guns

The Call for More Gun Control Will Accelerate the Sale of Guns

Nearly 6 million Americans have purchased firearms since inauguration day. When it comes to protecting themselves and their families, they're not waiting for a government solution. For America’s 150 million gun owners, much of our law enforcement community and many...

Shining the Spotlight on Spring Deer Management

Shining the Spotlight on Spring Deer Management

Casting a bright spotlight on deer in the dark serves as a remarkable tool used in deer management in Iowa, and may prove useful elsewhere. Shining or jacklighting white-tailed deer is a known poaching technique. A bright spotlight cast on deer in the dark of the...

Morphy’s Exceptional Firearms and Militaria Auction This Week

Morphy’s Exceptional Firearms and Militaria Auction This Week

Morphy’s announces April 27-30 Exceptional Firearms & Militaria Auction with scores of rare and important productions seldom available to collectors. Expertly curated to the highest standard, the selection awaiting bidders at Morphy’s April 27-30 Extraordinary...

Candid Cameron: Fine Shotguns

Candid Cameron: Fine Shotguns

Cameron the Weimaraner claims he looks best in photos with only the finest of shotguns. After all, he has standards to uphold. It’s a fact: I like bird hunting, and I also like fine shotguns. They are the ultimate firearm with exquisite engraving, gold inlay, select...

Hybrid Striped Bass Fight Hard But Taste Delicious

Hybrid Striped Bass Fight Hard But Taste Delicious

Fishing with longtime striper and hybrid guide Chip Hamilton on South Carolina’s Lake Hartwell, we were primed to get our fishing strings stretched by these powerful fish. Getting three outdoor writers on the same boat, and all in accord on the singular objective of...

The Fine Art of Fishing Lies

The Fine Art of Fishing Lies

A fine fishing liar is a master in his field and a sage dispenser of a special kind of wisdom well worth hearing and heeding. Robert Ruark, arguably the finest outdoor writer this country has ever produced and certainly a lifelong favorite of mine, had firm opinions...

Five Reasons to Own a .300 RUM

Five Reasons to Own a .300 RUM

The .300 Remington Ultra Magnum is a monster. But it’s attracting a lot of attention and gaining a lot of fans. Why?

Golden Retriever: The Original Party Animal

Golden Retriever: The Original Party Animal

Make no mistake – as eager as the golden retriever is to sniff out a good time, it’s even more eager to sniff out a skulking rooster. A while back, someone sent me a link to one of the damnedest video clips I’ve ever seen. There’s a wounded rooster pheasant sort of...

Candid Cameron: Unleash the Inner Wolf

Candid Cameron: Unleash the Inner Wolf

Cameron the Weimaraner laments about the dreaded restraint caused by the leash that hinders him from being his wild wolf-like self. I must admit I love roaming free. No leash. Just going unchecked as I sniff about, eat bad stuff and garbage and explore the world. Oh,...

We’ll Do It Tomorrow

We’ll Do It Tomorrow

It was a hard life lesson this fisherman learned when forced to break his promise to fish another day, for tomorrows are never guaranteed. The peaches, pinks, and purples of the sunset were mirrored in the wet sand of receding waves. It would be light enough this...

Coconut Curry Fish Fillet Packets

Coconut Curry Fish Fillet Packets

Keep your freshwater fish fillets flavorful and moist by using foil pouches and a sauce to protect them from overcooking or other harm. Grilling freshwater fish fillets over a fire can be tricky. A lot of the species have small fillets with lean flesh and delicate...

Candid Cameron Goes Bar Hopping

Candid Cameron Goes Bar Hopping

Cameron the Weimaraner is perplexed by the "hooman" behavior displayed at bar crawls, but he still holds the title as Life of the Party. On a normal day, when the sun sinks, I quickly hop on the couch and spread out to relax. Mike sometimes has to sit in the floor....

Where the Sporting Life Lives

Where the Sporting Life Lives

Brays Island, located in the heart of the South Carolina Lowcountry, is a sporting community with a unique history, dedicated to preservation and a love for life outdoors. SPONSORED CONTENT     Brays Island is a sporting enthusiast’s dream come true—with an array of...

That Dog’ll Hunt: Best Bird Dog Names

That Dog’ll Hunt: Best Bird Dog Names

The best bird dog names are easy to both whisper and wail. That’s why bird dog names are usually only a single syllable long. Naming a dog is serious business. Naming a bird dog, more serious still. There are so many subtleties to consider when christening a canine...

Our Biggest Fish

Our Biggest Fish

A poem about the ones that get away, and why they always seem to be the biggest.

Small Game Hunting Safaris

Small Game Hunting Safaris

Small game hunting for squirrels, rabbit, pheasant, dove and other species ignite a flame in young hunters that lasts a lifetime. The squirrel scurried from one limb to another, unaware of the camouflaged figure. Settling on a limb facing me, it stared, unsure of what...

What One Round to Hunt Worldwide?

What One Round to Hunt Worldwide?

From massive brown bears, to predators and varmints, African dangerous game and everything in between, this round gets the job done worldwide. I love hunting firearms, especially beautifully wood-stocked, accurate bolt action and single-shot rifles. I personally have...

Bear Hunting the Traditional Way

Bear Hunting the Traditional Way

Your chances will be fewer, but traditional spot-and-stalk bear hunting on horseback enables you to see more of the countryside and its wildlife. There’s nothing quite like the romance and tradition of hunting from horseback. Rather than concentrating on where you...

Women in the Literary Heritage of Hunting

Women in the Literary Heritage of Hunting

Collectively these writings serve as a powerful reminder that women have always been among the ranks of our nation’s hunters. Too often, the historical role of women as hunters has been overlooked, although it must be reckoned that there’s increasing evidence of...

Candid Cameron: Watering Trees is Easy

Candid Cameron: Watering Trees is Easy

This week, Cameron the Weimaraner shows off his gardening skills as professional tree-waterer, but the job does not come without its complications. OK, since we have acreage, Mike has decided to plant trees and grasses to attract wildlife and songbirds. I’ve stood by...

Uncle Earl’s Shotgun

Uncle Earl’s Shotgun

“Uncle Earl left the shotgun to me, and I planned to honor him that day by hunting with it one more time.”