Mountain Rifles Matter
SPONSORED CONTENT What kind of mountain rifles do you get when you combine the input from more than 50 hard-core sheep hunters and guides and then take five years to design, research and test those ideas? High-altitude hunting delivers many challenges. It’s...
A Deer Hunter is Born – Preface
A Deer Hunter is Born I was only 14 in the fall of 1956, but I was already a passionate pheasant hunter. Once the hunting season opened, while the other guys were at football practice or shooting pool and playing the pinball machines a Mel's Grill, you could usually...
Fishing Lake Texoma, Deadsticking Technique
DEADSTICKING - MORE ACTION THAN THE NAME IMPLIES The only thing the fishing technique known as “deadsticking” has to do with the word “dead” is the lack of activity by the fisherman before the hookset, especially when dealing with those hard fighting stripers while...
SEWE Celebrates 40 Years
SEWE 2022 Celebrates 40 Years 40th Annual Southeastern Wildlife Exposition February 18-20, 2022 | VIP events begin February 17 Downtown Charleston, S.C. SEWE Celebrates 40 years this February: The Southeastern Wildlife Exposition (SEWE) has proudly presented...
Tips for Packaging and Freezing Game
Now that the 2021 hunting season is winding down, it is time to consider the best way to store our harvest for the coming months and year. The proper packaging and storage of game is a necessary step to preserve the nutritional contents of the game and lengthen the...
End of Bird Hunting Season
The end is near! OK, don’t panic hoomans, but the end of bird hunting seasons are near in some areas of America. My plans are to make a few more jaunts for grouse in the high country before snows up there reach waist-high depths. It will be cold in the high country,...
Winter Fishing Relations – North Dakota
Winter Fishing Regulations Anglers are encouraged to refer to the North Dakota 2020-22 Fishing Guide or the North Dakota Game and Fish Department’s website for winter fishing regulations, plus fishing questions and answers. Some winter fishing regulations include: A...
This Is Your Rifle – True Aim
Our Editorial Director, Scott E. Mayer, called me into his office to help him mount and bore-sight a scope on a Mossberg Patriot Predator 308 Win. After a few instructions on the rifle itself and its constituent parts, he handed me an envelope and a blank “Thank You”...
Spirit of Christmas, Mamma Casada
If the Spirit of Christmas embraces things such as love of family, togetherness, warm feelings, goodness, excitement and faith, then my mother was the quintessence of that spirit. Many adjectives seem appropriate when describing her love of life in general,...
A True Firearm Upgrade
SPONSORED CONTENT Big game hunters around the globe demand that firearms meet two key standards—accuracy and reliability. For some hunters, “good enough” accuracy may mean three-inch groups at 100 yards and reliability only that the rifle normally chambers rounds. For...
Wild Chukar, Huns and more!
An account of some hight times at Highland Hills filled with wild chukar and more! The etymological roots of the word chukar can be found in the Urdu language of Pakistan and is described by linguistic experts as being onomatopoeic which, in plain English, means a...
Science of the Second Rut
We’ve all heard about something called the “second rut,” but is it a real thing? Here is the science of the second rut. From the National Deer Association: I hit the grunt call three times, and within minutes a nice mature buck jumped the fence and came in with his...
Avoid Hunting Incidents – Iowa DNR
Officers with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) responded to four deer hunting incidents over the weekend – one related to property damage, one minor injury, one serious injury and one fatality - and one related to pheasant hunting. An individual was shot...
Sausage Stuffed Quail, Wine Pairing
A Fall Favorite: Sausage Stuffed Quail and Wine Pairing A season to revel in the cool breeze and crisp lowcountry air, fall is a time for gathering around the table with good conversation. After a day in the field here at Brays, there’s nothing better than cooking up...
North Dakota Ice Fishing Dangers
District Game Warden Ken Skuza speaks on the North Dakota Ice Fishing Dangers: When I think of December, I think of ice fishing. That first ice can result in some amazing fishing, but also can be very dangerous. These are some North Dakota ice fishing dangers. I...
It’s Time for Holiday Shopping
Hey, look beside you on the wall for a calendar, or - do as most hoomans now do nonstop - hide your face behind your cellphone and look at the date. Christmas is coming and that means a tree with lots of gifts for dogs, family members, dogs, friends and dogs under...
Conservation Warden Efficiency Award – Wisconsin
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources today announced DNR Conservation Warden Mike Disher was awarded the Haskell Noyes Conservation Warden Efficiency Award. The Haskell Noyes award is the highest honor bestowed to a state conservation warden, the Haskell...
Earthly Yuletide Decor – Natural Christmas
In today’s world, obtaining the family Christmas tree involves nothing more than a stop at a store, viewing trees stacked side-by-side in a vacant lot, or retrieving an artificial tree from the attic. Real “adventure” in obtaining the family tree involves going to a...
Season 2 of Sporting Classics with Chris Dorsey
Season 2 of Sporting Classics with Chris Dorsey now on Waypoint TV 9 Episodes of The Most Watched Outdoor TV Program in the World Added to Waypoint Programming Dorsey Pictures announces that Season 2 of Sporting Classics with Chris Dorsey - the most watched outdoor TV...
AZ Guidelines 2023/24 – 2027/28
Overview - AZ Guidelines for 2023-24 through 2027-28: The Arizona Game and Fish Department follows a multi-tiered process for setting hunting season structures, hunting season dates, hunt permit allocations, and other controlling elements for regulating hunting of...
Winter Goose Hunt, Just Perfect
It was December, and the goose season in New York’s Duchess County had three more weeks to run. This is a winter goose hunt from long ago, where an unexpected hunting partner joined me — after all other companions fell through. In this Yuletide season, we remember...
Kansas State Parks Director Honored
Linda Lanterman, Kansas State Parks director for the Department of Wildlife and Parks, was recently honored with the Fran P. Mainella Award by the Clemson University Institute for Parks (CUIP). Lanterman was gifted the award in recognition of her long-standing...
Rare 16-Point Deer – Missouri
A Missouri hunter scored a surprise 16-pointer. Pleased with his kill, he came out of cover to study, tag and field dress his prize. "Samuel Perotti had seen this well-antlered deer in photos captured by his game camera," the state Department of Conservation said,...
10 Gift Ideas for the Sportsman in Your Life
Something for everyone at every price point.
Hunting with Dad – Hare Hatchet
When hunting with dad, he always brought his kindling hatchet with us on hare hunts in case we needed a fire to get warm. I've been thinking about that this holiday season. Recently, I was talking with some fiends who were introducing their young children to the “Elf...
Unlawfully Killed Black Bear – Florida
Unlawfully Killed Black Bear: The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) has concluded an investigation regarding a report of a Florida black bear and cub having been shot and killed within the Sun ‘n Lake community in Sebring, Highlands County. The...
Going for Canada Goose
Since waterfowl hunting seasons are open, I want to first give a tip of the hat to Labs (America’s most popular dog, the Labrador retriever) and dogs everywhere who plunge into icy waters to grab a downed duck or goose. Leaving land and going into icy water anywhere,...
Best Hunting Advice – No Excuses
I am often asked a simple question from hunters of all ages and skill, “What is your best hunting advice?” “Did you see anything this afternoon?” questioned a camo-shirted hunter, while I was filling my pickup with diesel. Before I could respond he added. “I didn’t...
Nonresident Licenses – Idaho 2022
Idaho: Nonresident Licenses and Tags for 2022 Go On Sale December 1 What's happening: Nonresident hunting, fishing, and combination licenses will be available beginning at 12:00am Mountain time on December 1, 2021. Nonresident Deer and Elk tags will be...
Stage for Stories – A Paean to Porches
Porches were a place where you could be at peace with the world...a stage for stories. In yesteryear one of many blessings, what folks living in my native heath, the Great Smoky Mountains of North Carolina, tended to take for granted was that they could enjoy their...
AZ Community Fishing License Discontinuation
The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) will discontinue selling Community Fishing licenses beginning Jan. 1, 2022. Over the last eight years, the hugely popular Community Fishing Program (CFP) has expanded from 21 waters to 49 waters, which are located in 23...
Kansas State Parks Black Friday
There’s no better deal than “free” and this Friday, there’s no better place to snag that deal than at a Kansas state park. This Black Friday, Nov. 26, 2021, entrance fees will be waived at all Kansas state parks as part of the nationwide #OptOutside initiative. Kansas...
Robert Bonnie Confirmed USDA Undersecretary
Robert Bonnie Confirmed USDA Undersecretary The National Wild Turkey Federation celebrates the Senate confirmation of Robert Bonnie as undersecretary of farm production and conservation for the U.S. Department of Agriculture. “Robert is supremely qualified for this...
Thanksgiving Means Cooked Turkey – Cameron
Wow, I just noticed this week is Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving means cooked turkey, and I plan to eat my share and much more. I like turkey! While I have seen many turkeys while hunting, this past spring I got a close-up look at a wild turkey. Mike took me on his turkey...
Florida: New Hunting Opportunity
Opportunities to hunt small game are available this year at a new area in northwest Florida. The FWC is establishing Tate’s Hell – St. James Island Public Small Game Hunting Area in cooperation with the lead land manger, the Florida Forest Service. This 8,182-acre...
Great Duck Guns
Which came first, the chicken or the egg? We’ll never know, but I can tell you the great duck guns came after the ammunition. Certainly there were heavy, large-bore shotguns in 6, 8 and 10 gauges, but even at that their payloads of shot were modest. The 10-gauge at...
Michigan Buck Poacher Faces $60k
Police investigating an October domestic violence complaint discovered nine poached bucks in a barn located in Decatur. Michigan Buck Poacher Faces $60k after the Michigan Department of Natural Resources conservation officers determined the illegal, trophy deer...
Argentina Big Game – Beautifully Weird
On a mixed-bag Argentina big game hunt, the author experiences an entirely new continent and its game. It was evident when I met Gaucho the houndsman that he either did not speak English or didn’t choose to around me. When I shook his hand after my hunting guide and...
Best Little Aoudad Hunt, Texas
Wild sheep and sheep country have inspired a rich tradition of longing, struggle and adventure, perhaps a richer tapestry of hunting lore and literature. Some of it even true. Bighorns. Dall’s. Stone’s. Desert. Argalis. Snow sheep. These are the regal rams of fevered...
Kansas – Big Game Permits
CBGP program gives organizations chance to draw one of seven special big game permits, can be sold to raise funds for conservation projects. Local chapters of nonprofit organizations based or operating in Kansas – that actively promote wildlife conservation and the...
Deer Hides Benefit Disabled Vets
Deer Hides Benefit Disabled Vets Hunters donated nearly 4,000 deer hides to Elks Lodges across Iowa last year, which was a slight decrease from the 2020-2021 season. The deer hides are used by the Veterans Leather Program to make professionally-crafted leather gloves...
Bears – When They Aren’t Clowns
The odds of suffering an attack from bears are slim. Odds of surviving one can suddenly matter more. Fates seemed bent on bringing Joe to grief. No one could say why. The slightly-built, 65-year-old herder was reliable and industrious. He’d earned and saved enough...
GFP Shares Important December Dates
GFP Shares Important December Dates - several major dates individuals need to be aware of as GFP transitions to a new e-commerce system. The new e-commerce system is called Go Outdoors South Dakota and will go live December 15, 2021. This system combines the purchases...
Candid Cameron – Hitting the Highway
This week on Candid Cameron, "Hitting the highway means I'm going hunting!" It’s that time of year when there are so few days to hunt but so many birds to hunt. When I see Mike is digging into a box of shotshells or putting a shotgun into a case, I rush to the garage...
Save Our Lakes Program
Save Our Lakes Program The Save Our Lakes program was created to help address water quality issues throughout the state. It consists of multiple parts, each of which have flexibility built in. The program is available to private individuals that own land around many...
Canadian Waterfowl – A Red Letter Day
I am a New England Ruffed Grouse hunter, and the Western Canadian waterfowl, upland birds and prairies were a new world to me. Sharptail grouse thrive in Saskatchewan and so do those who hunt them. Around Tessier the Sharpies feed in the huge grain fields and shelter...
Roque Bluffs State Park Expanded
The Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry (DACF) is excited to announce that the Roque Bluffs Bureau of Parks and Lands (BPL) has acquired Pond Cove Island. The 50-acre Pond Cove Island, located in Englishman Bay, Washington County (44.615,...
New CZ Model 600 Retires Previous Rifle Lines
This Czech manufacturer’s take on the modern bolt-action rifle is a game-changer. Dominique led as we moved slowly through the oak forest. Two years of drought had finally come to an end and the acorn crop returned in such abundance that the crunching underfoot...
In-Season Scouting – An Important Habit
Why In-Season Scouting? Though we don't like to, it’s a far better option to spend a day scouting than continuing to hunt unproductive spots. Last season I wrapped up a three-day Georgia public-land deer hunt in mid-October only seeing a few does and two small...
George Bird Grinnell: America’s Voice for Wildlife
They came upon the remains of the buffalo in a thick stand of timber, six hides and heads wrapped in burlap, each strung high from a tree limb to keep it safe from wolves. It was a grim sight, but also a sure sign that they were closing in on their man. It...