XS Sights New R3D Suppressor Height Sights

XS Sights New R3D Suppressor Height Sights

XS Sights is pleased to introduce R3D Suppressor/RMR Height Sights for the popular HK VP9 Optics Ready pistol. These taller R3D sights are designed to allow a clear view of the target and accurate alignment while using a suppressor. They are also excellent back-up...

Venison with Cherry Sauce

Venison with Cherry Sauce

Venison Loin Medallions with Cherry Sauce One of the great virtues of venison, beyond its excellent taste and health benefits, is that it can be prepared in so many ways—soups, stews, ethnic dishes of all sorts, grilled steaks, roasts, and much more. On special...

How To Pronounce Weimaraner – Candid Cameron

How To Pronounce Weimaraner – Candid Cameron

Today, class, we learn how to pronounce "Weimaraner." I have written numerous times about traveling about and meeting folks, and unfortunately, today I’m here to vent a little about all the hoomans who cannot pronounce the word "Weimaraner," my breed. Class is in...

Cheeseburger Venison Pizza

Cheeseburger Venison Pizza

CHEESEBURGER VENISON PIZZA 1/4-1/2 pound ground venison 1/4 cup chopped onion 3 slices bacon 1 pizza kit (such as Contadina) 8 ounces light mozzarella cheese (in addition to cheese in kit) Brown venison and onion in fry pan. Cook bacon in microwave on paper towels....

The Goat And The Miner

The Goat And The Miner

This was the billy I had been looking for all summer and fall — my whole life, really. . .I'd found the animal I wanted, and would push myself to any limit to get him. The Rocky Mountains are a vast stretch of peaks that are young by geologic measure and by any other...

Crappie Delight

Crappie Delight

CRAPPIE DELIGHT 2 pound crappie fillets ¼ cup lemon juice 2 eggs, beaten ¼ cup milk 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup all-purpose flour Oil for frying ½ cup grated cheddar cheese Cut the fillets into serving-size portions and arrange in a baking dish. Pour the lemon juice over...

Death In The Moonlight

Death In The Moonlight

"Death in the Moonlight" is a tale of suspense drawn from Archibald Rutledge's youth in South Carolina. If at night you happen to be standing up to your shoulders in salt water, when the wind is still and the tide is tranquil, in a creek not far from the ocean, and...

An African Portfolio of Art

An African Portfolio of Art

The continent of Africa has been viewed with a mixture of fear and greed for the past 500 years... “The wild creatures I had come to Africa to see are exhilarating in their multitudes and colors, and I imagined far a time that this glimpse of the earth's morning might...

Venison Steaks With Mustard Rub

Venison Steaks With Mustard Rub

VENISON STEAKS WITH MUSTARD RUB 1 tablespoon lemon pepper 2 tablespoons dry (powdered) mustard 1 teaspoon garlic salt 1 teaspoon paprika Blend above ingredients in a small bowl. Rub mixture evening over the surface of venison loin steaks. Grill over medium heat, not...

Benelli “Magnifico Set of Five”

Benelli “Magnifico Set of Five”

Benelli Magnifico Set of Five A Matrimony of Efficacy and Aesthetic Since time immemorial, humans have sought to adorn things of great importance. Whether those things were purely ceremonial or eminently functional, we’ve adorned everything from the flesh of our...

Suzie Seerey-Lester – Brushstrokes of Grace

Suzie Seerey-Lester – Brushstrokes of Grace

For Suzie Seerry-Lester, painting has always been her release; her refuge. The process of painting is what fuels her, not the finished piece. Ever-so-gently, I graze my left index finger across the roseate spoonbill's extended primary feather, as translucent as...

Simple Catfish Fillets

Simple Catfish Fillets

SIMPLE CATFISH FILLETS Spring’s greening up time translates to an upswing in fishing action and as a result, opportunities for some mighty fine fare. Here’s a quartet of dandy recipes, each relatively easy to prepare, that ought to tickle the palate of any lover of...

Three Bears!

Three Bears!

The bear launched and hit the ground, eyes locked on me. Then, I heard my friend yell, "There's two!" — A second later, "There's three bears!" On May 18, 1983, I was three days into a seven-day assignment with Alaska State Parks, which had contracted me to evaluate a...

Turkey Calls For Sale – Jim Casada

Turkey Calls For Sale – Jim Casada

TURKEY CALLS FOR SALE After giving the matter a bunch of gut-wrenching thought, I’ve decided to sell the vast majority of the turkey calls I’ve accumulated and collected over the years. Just listing and describing them brought back many warm memories of special hunts,...

Blackened Venison Loin Steaks

Blackened Venison Loin Steaks

BLACKENED VENISON LOIN STEAKS As we ease into spring and deer season lies at a distance in our sporting rear view mirror, it’s time to put some of that fine fare from fall that has been resting in your freezer to tasty use. Here’s one of my recipes offered with that...

Winter Fishing – Candid Cameron

Winter Fishing – Candid Cameron

Winter fishing — is a terrible idea. Stay home by the fire. While ice and freezing temperatures have a firm grip on much of America, Mike has decided it’s time to go fishing. He’s not ice fishing and drilling a hole into the ice to then sit and stare into that dark...

For Every Thing There Is A Season

For Every Thing There Is A Season

Renowned author and wildlife sportsman, Jim Casada, is hosting an online auction of a vast array of items from his personal collection. Indeed, you will find, for every thing there is a season. Although a strong case could be made for some of the Psalms, I would argue...

Meat And Wine Pairings For The Table

Meat And Wine Pairings For The Table

Meat And Wine Pairings After the butchering process is complete and all your hard work is finally pulled from the freezer and properly defrosted, the second part of the story begins. Preparing and enjoying all the delicious cuts of prized meat, from brining and...

William Harnden Foster

William Harnden Foster

Whether he was shooting grouse or skeet, painting bird dogs or promoting wildlife conservation, William Harnden Foster never wavered in his unrelenting pursuit of perfection. I would like to have known William Harnden Foster — hunted with him, sat in his study talking...

Firearms Auction Lones Wigger March 6th-20th

Firearms Auction Lones Wigger March 6th-20th

Firearms from the estate of Olympic shooting legend and two-time gold medalist, Lones Wigger, are up for auction on GunBroker.com through March 20th, with proceeds benefitting USA Shooting youth programs. The family of Lones Wigger has generously donated more than 30...

How To Skin A Rabbit

How To Skin A Rabbit

How To Skin A Rabbit The best way to skin a rabbit or a hare is to hang it by its hind legs, on hooks. Cut the skin at the full length of the belly. Now proceed to remove the skin on either side, first, up to the first joint of the hind legs. Make incisions on the...

Lessons From The Wilderness

Lessons From The Wilderness

And now, he realized, he also knew something about these woods and waters his father had hunted and fished — something deeply personal. The boy was the youngest and smallest of the cousins, so at the family's gatherings, his cousins would reluctantly let him join the...

Different Methods Of Cooking

Different Methods Of Cooking

Different Methods Of Cooking BRAISING - Is a combination of stewing and baking meat through immersion in a covered vessel containing a solution of vegetable and animal juices called "braise," hence its name. The meat is exposed to a strong but not boiling temperature...

Lost In An Alaskan Blizzard

Lost In An Alaskan Blizzard

I realized then I was on my own — alone in a vast wilderness of ice and snow. Looking above camp toward where we’d be hunting brown bears, all we could see was snow and mountains, not a tree in sight. The only thing that wasn’t white was an occasional rock sticking...

Why Some Game Is Mortified

Why Some Game Is Mortified

Reasons Why Some Game Birds And Large Game Are "Mortified" In the state of society which we have now reached, it is difficult to imagine a race living solely on bread, vegetables and fruit. If such a nation existed, it would undoubtedly have been conquered by...

Wayne McLoughlin – Eternally Fleeting Dreams

Wayne McLoughlin – Eternally Fleeting Dreams

My life outdoors began as an escape, a way to get away from people, yet now I'm involved in the outdoors because of people — the people I've met there. Over the years, the most common question I've been asked about my painting is "How did your art evolve into such...

Gun Restoration – To Restore or Not Restore?

Gun Restoration – To Restore or Not Restore?

To Restore, or Not to Restore? Turnbull Restoration Helps Classic Firearm Owners Answer this Question. To restore, or not to restore? That’s the foundational question to ask yourself when considering what could become a journey to revitalize, or perhaps even...

Help Build Strong Muscles In Your Sporting Dog

Help Build Strong Muscles In Your Sporting Dog

SPONSORED CONTENT When it comes to optimizing performance, professional athletes know the importance of healthy muscles. The same applies to our canine athletes. Whether your sporting dog is a hardcore waterfowler or a big-running bird dog, maintaining healthy, lean...

How To Bone and Carve Wild Birds

How To Bone and Carve Wild Birds

How To Bone and Carve Wild Birds Bone Clean the bird as usual and singe. With a sharp-pointed knife, begin at the extremity of the wing, and pass the knife down close to the bone, cutting off the flesh from the bone and preserving the skin whole; run the knife down...

Why Dogs Drool – Part 2

Why Dogs Drool – Part 2

I have plans when I drool. If you wonder if I drool, just look at Mike’s shirts, coats, truck interior and the windows at the backdoor or the floor around the kitchen table. Those many noticeable round spots are drool. Drooling is my way of saying, “Hey, I’m...

Elk Recipes – Roasted Elk In Beer Sauce

Elk Recipes – Roasted Elk In Beer Sauce

Roasted Elk In Beer Sauce Recipe Ingredients (serves 4): 1 elk roast (about 3 to 4 pounds) 1 yellow onion, peeled and sliced 1/2 cup chili sauce 2 tablespoons brown sugar 2 cloves garlic, peeled and minced 12 ounces beer Salt and black pepper, to taste Preheat the...

Non-Fiction Authors Association Award

Non-Fiction Authors Association Award

Dorsey’s Call Time Wins Gold From Non-Fiction Authors Association Amid a field of more than 1,000 entries, Chris Dorsey’s latest book, Call Time was awarded a gold medal from the 14,000-member Non-Fiction Authors Association. It’s the highest award the association...

Bobwhite Quail – Comin’ Up With Bob

Bobwhite Quail – Comin’ Up With Bob

It was boots and chaps. Gents and hats. Shotguns and spats. It was dog-folks gentle and gay. It was dignified old live oaks, bearded grizzled and gray. It was a lazy old mule wagon, creak rattle and sway. “The Lord’s own symphony,” my Grandma Betts would say, “in the...

What Is Game?

What Is Game?

What Is Game? A Few Foundational Points On Game: Under the generic name of game, we understand and include all the animals good to eat which live free in the woods and fields. To the culinary point of view, game is divided in three classes: large, medium and small....

Siberian Ibex – Heart of the Tian Shan

Siberian Ibex – Heart of the Tian Shan

And here, among these crumbling cliffs and dizzying heights, I had come to hunt the Siberian Mid-Asian ibex in the dark heart and sharp teeth of dead winter. Eons ago, in a great battle of continents, the Indian and Eurasian plates collided with planetary force,...

Introduction To Cooking Wild Turkey

Introduction To Cooking Wild Turkey

Introduction To Hunting And Cooking Wild Turkey Nearly 2.5 million hunters in the United States pursue wild turkey each year, making it the second most hunted game after deer. The wild turkey is often mistakenly thought of as an "upland game bird." But this isn't so,...

Tiger Attack in Vietnam

Tiger Attack in Vietnam

In the dark night, the men sat listening. Originally no more than five feet from the last team member, Sgt. Phleger had disappeared. As a Marine deployed to Southeast Asia 25 years ago, I had heard of tiger sightings in the bush and an incident where a Marine had been...

Upland Birds Preparation

Upland Birds Preparation

Introduction to Upland Birds from THE MANEATER FISH AND GAME COOKBOOK My early exposure to upland birds was pretty limited. We had almost zero pheasants in the area of Michigan where I grew up and there was no dove season. i never ran into any quail, sharptail grouse...

Art For The Ages, Through The Gifted

Art For The Ages, Through The Gifted

Fine and decorative sporting art can gather up your soul, bringing happiness to you or whoever else might come to own and cherish it. Life is life, and even in the theater of our greatest passion the difference between a laugh and a tear is as capricious as the...

Timetable For Cooking Game

Timetable For Cooking Game

Timetable for Cooking Game   (According to Size) Venison - Well Done - 30 to 40 minutes Venison - Rare - 20 to 30 minutes Large Game - Roasted - 20 to 40 minutes Large Game - Broiled - 15 to 20 minutes Small Game - Roasted - 20 to 30 minutes Small game - Broiled...

Eukanuba Dog Food – Off-Season Nutrition

Eukanuba Dog Food – Off-Season Nutrition

What to Feed Your Sporting Dog When Hunting Season Ends SPONSORED CONTENT: Sporting dogs burn a lot of calories during the hunting season. To support their elevated nutritional needs, savvy handlers feed them performance kibble. Off-season nutritional needs are often...

Advice On Selecting Gun Pups

Advice On Selecting Gun Pups

It’s that time of year when many dog breeders have pups for sale. I can give my advice, if you are seeking a dog — they are all good. I understand dogs. I speak with authority, I am a dog. First rule of thumb is look at the pup’s parents and guess how much that adult...

Trout On The Table – Part 5

Trout On The Table – Part 5

Trout On The Table - Part 5 CRAB-STUFFED TROUT For a truly toothsome combination of flavors, one sure to impress even dyed-in-the-wool trout aficionados, give this a try. It works best with smaller trout (under 10 inches) of precisely the type likely to make up a...

Daniel Smith – Nothing Less Than Magic

Daniel Smith – Nothing Less Than Magic

In a market increasingly dominated by loose, painterly works that imply rather than show, Daniel Smith is an unreconstructed realist. “Let me show you some real cool sheep,” Daniel Smith says. He rifles through a stack of slides, pushes one of them across the light...

Shoot United Effort From Winchester

Shoot United Effort From Winchester

In the 1984 film Red Dawn (48 percent on the Tomatometer), director John Milius harnesses Cold War tensions with a portrayal of a joint Russian and Cuban invasion of the central part of the United States. A band of teenagers led by Patrick Swayze and C. Thomas Howell...

Field Dressing Equipment

Field Dressing Equipment

Field Dressing Equipment - Small and Large Game, and Wild Game Birds Once you have successfully identified and targeted your specific game, the real work will begin if you have downed you animal. For small game and birds, the task isn't terribly daunting, but field...

Trout On The Table – Part 4

Trout On The Table – Part 4

Trout on the Table - Part 4 Ingredients for Honey Pecan Trout: 2 pounds trout fillets (fillet large trout or split small fish down the middle and remove as many bones as Possible—leave the skin in place) ½ cup all-purpose flour Salt and pepper to taste ½ cup finely...

New Zealand – A Sporting Country is Born

New Zealand – A Sporting Country is Born

There was once a land with no people, no mammals, just forested mountains and clear rushing rivers since the rocks were laid down. No deer or antelope, no wolf or bear had ever left a footprint there. That place lay brooding for millions of years, a thing unto itself....

Saving The Great Salt Lake

Saving The Great Salt Lake

The loss of the Great Salt Lake would lead to an ecological and economic catastrophe the likes of which America has not seen since the Dust Bowl. Utah is a state blessed with more than its share of natural wonders and beauty, and residents and visitors are never far...

Game Bird Terrine Recipe

Game Bird Terrine Recipe

Making a game bird terrine is a lot of work, but it's well worth the effort when you want to make a lasting impression on your guests. You could spend a week studying the distinctions between terrines and pâtés and not fully understand it all, but here's a good...