The Lunatic Express

The Lunatic Express

The gruesome exploits of the maneaters, together with those of Lieutenant Colonel John Henry Patterson...form one of the most fantastic tales in the annals of African adventure. In the 1890s Britain's far-flung empire covered a quarter of the globe, including a number...

Git Out There and Take the Dog

Git Out There and Take the Dog

As you make plans to get outdoors, remember to include your dog. It must be the rules of life in Montana — everyone has a truck and a dog, and where the truck goes the dog goes. I believe Montana leads the nation in trucks on the road with dogs inside. OK, some...

Allen Bolen’s Record-Book Grizzly Hunt

Allen Bolen’s Record-Book Grizzly Hunt

When I prepare for a hunt, I spend time visualizing how it will happen. So, for months leading up to last spring, I pictured a big grizzly calmly feeding at 35 yards and a well-placed arrow striking him from an unidentifiable source. Just how a bear hunt should play...

The Romance of Brandywine

The Romance of Brandywine

The men and women who studied under Howard Pyle all but dominated American illustration during the first half of the 20th century. At the beginning of the 20th century, Howard Pyle of Wilmington, Delaware, was most popular illustrator in America. He had only one...

Gunwerks Releases NEXUS

Gunwerks Releases NEXUS

Gunwerks has released its latest cutting-edge of technology rifle — the NEXUS. This rifle system from the engineering minds at Gunwerks is the next step in the evolution of the Long Range Rifle System. Designed to be a "truly future proof rifle system," the NEXUS from...

The Whisper in the Grey of Morning

The Whisper in the Grey of Morning

“I Knew your son. Something I been needing to tell you . . . Luke saved me — you know, saved my life. He saved us all.”  America had been attacked with a murderous sucker punch. That day of infamy stirring the deep soul of a patriotic nation.Lines of young men eager...

The Time and The Wounded

The Time and The Wounded

A man of lesser conscience would have it easier. Regret and self-hate have plagued Casey every day, almost every waking hour, since the shooting. Casey Ryan's bull elk crowds his study. Not many days had passed since the exciting hunt that he hadn't thought of it....

Poetic Soul On Painted Sea

Poetic Soul On Painted Sea

John Doyle sees the ocean as one of the last frontiers where man can test his courage. John Doyle once showed me a photo from his boyhood in the mid-'40s. The picture was of him, standing next to a string of five largemouth bass that his father had caught on a fly rod...

The Hunting Connection

The Hunting Connection

The very nature of hunting requires that you know as much as possible about the game you pursue. And that's why, the author maintains, artists who hunt are able to capture the essence of their wild subjects. For the past few decades, wildlife art has enjoyed an...

Where the Sporting Life Lives

Where the Sporting Life Lives

Where the Sporting Life Lives Brays Island, located in the heart of the South Carolina Lowcountry, is a sporting community with a unique history, dedicated to preservation and a love for life outdoors. SPONSORED CONTENT: Brays Island is a sporting enthusiast’s dream...

New Rivers and New Sights

New Rivers and New Sights

My summer plans include a long list of rivers that need exploring. Ever since the first hoomans arrived here in the New World in the 1400s, there have been roamers among the crowds. The history books are full of tales of pioneers like Daniel Boone, John Bozeman, Lewis...

Call Time and Casting Call Win National Awards

Call Time and Casting Call Win National Awards

The 14,000-member Non-Fiction Author’s Association bestowed Gold Awards for Chris Dorsey’s wingshooting book Call Time and fly-fishing book Casting Call. Call Time was also nominated for the coveted Ben Franklin Award among a field of 1,900 entries from the...

Gathered Rocks Placed Around and Over

Gathered Rocks Placed Around and Over

Ben shouted the Indian's name until his throat became raw. Much later, on the far side of the camp in rock shadows, he found a note held down and partially hidden by rock. Ben Choat, the lean, dark-skinned river guide, met the old Indian at the railing entrance of the...

Tales From Three Hemispheres

Tales From Three Hemispheres

Ramblings: Tales From Three Hemispheres features 240-pages and over 180 black-and-white photographs that richly document Michael Altizer's contemplative and intimately composed accounts of his hunting and fishing journeys, from Patagonia to Alaska—along with the guns,...

I’ll Point That – Candid Cameron

I’ll Point That – Candid Cameron

I point, the bird goes into the air, the hunter shoots — and the hunter misses. I love to point birds, and whether I raise a front or rear leg and point with my nose and a prolonged fixed stare, the obvious result is I point. For you hoomans who think dogs must point...

The Bronze Age of Mike Barlow

The Bronze Age of Mike Barlow

Some kids are suited for learning in a classroom, for others education begins when they leave. For six-year-old Mike Barlow, paging through his father’s extensive collection of art books on African wildlife awakened a muse that would lead to his life’s work, and an...

An Honor Among Thieves

An Honor Among Thieves

He returned to find that someone had broken into his house . . . the only thing missing was the Parker. Red Timmons disappeared while hunting chukar partridge on a cold day in January. According to Sheriff Charlotte Beingasser, he drowned in the Salmon River, a few...

Gilled Glutton – Weird Wildlife Weekly

Gilled Glutton – Weird Wildlife Weekly

Gilled glutton leaves anglers scratching their heads after a pike was found dead with a zander — a fish of similar size — jammed in its mouth in the Netherlands. While in his boat doing some work by the jetty near his home, Rene Spaargaren, from Almere near Amsterdam,...

Mossberg International SA-410 Safety Recall

Mossberg International SA-410 Safety Recall

Attention: There has been a Mossberg International SA-410 Safety Recall Mossberg has recently discovered a potential safety issue with certain Mossberg Model SA-410 shotguns, which may lead to personal injury and/or damage to the shotgun. Mossberg is voluntarily...

Deep Feelings

Deep Feelings

In many ways John Hamberger was more an impressionistic artist than a painter of fish portraits. On the vintage plaster of the kitchen wall, left of the table where winter window light refracts through a collection of old pop bottles, is taped a snapshot of a man...

Cusp of Summer On a Carolina Day

Cusp of Summer On a Carolina Day

There is nothing more apt to illustrate life than a stilt house hovering over water set to the rhythm of a spring tide. A friend of my granddad's used to sit on our porch in a wicker rocking chair and watch the creek go by. That creek is part of the Elizabeth River...

Weary Be the Cat’s Eyes See

Weary Be the Cat’s Eyes See

Walking silently through the wet snow, I . . . reached the kill site, but another solitary hunter was already there. I have often searched the wilderness for something that is right under my nose. On this day, I had just returned from a grueling backpack hunt deep in...

Air Rifles Continue Hunting’s Quiet Revolution

Air Rifles Continue Hunting’s Quiet Revolution

Air Rifles Continue Hunting’s Quiet Revolution I’ll never forget my first morning deer hunting on public land near my childhood home in southern Wisconsin, a state with more than 600,000 deer hunters. For nine days a year, the state could field the world’s seventh...

Playing the Game – Candid Cameron

Playing the Game – Candid Cameron

It’s a fact of life: dog’s like to fetch. While hoomans often see fetching as a boring game, for dogs running and grabbing goes back, way back, to that wolf era when we had to run down and grab animals, and then pull them down to the ground and begin eating them. It’s...

There In the Man

There In the Man

"And the boy...was he there, Bill?" I hauled off and went squirrel hunting the other day. Not so remarkable, I suppose. Except that the whitetail rut was in full blaze, and bird season was in and it's been a hell of a long time since I've forsaken a prime-time deer...

Berry Crisp

Berry Crisp

BERRY CRISP I’ve always had a sweet tooth, and few things in the dessert world tickle my fancy more than those featuring berries. You can use about any kind of berries with this recipe. 1 cup quick-cooking or old-fashioned oats 1 cup all-purpose flour 1 cup packed...

Squirrel Pot Pie

Squirrel Pot Pie

SQUIRREL POT PIE 1 onion, chopped coarsely 1 stalk celery, chopped coarsely 1 large garlic clove, minced 4 cups beef broth Freshly ground black pepper 1 squirrel, cleaned Pastry for two-crust pie 1 (12-ounce) can Mexican-style mixed vegetables 1 tablespoon cornstarch...

Places to Be Sensed and Senses to Be Placed

Places to Be Sensed and Senses to Be Placed

Here's the portfolio; look what's inside. People are known for doing the one thing at which they are best. That's what we were telling the artist one afternoon in his studio with the window as big as The Ritz. There are well-known western artists and wildlife artists...

Venison Chili

Venison Chili

VENISON CHILI It’s hard to beat a steaming bowl of chili, especially if flanked with a fine chunk of cornbread or a plate of corn dodgers, when you have a mighty craving for hearty fare. Here’s a recipe to use some of that ground venison you hopefully put in the...

CZ 600 Bolt-Action Rifle Recall

CZ 600 Bolt-Action Rifle Recall

CZ-USA has recently learned of a potential safety issue with the CZ 600 bolt-action rifles.  CZ-USA is voluntarily initiating a recall of these rifles to protect the safety of its customers because of the potential for a catastrophic failure if the barrel is not...

Of Ice and Men: Part II

Of Ice and Men: Part II

Part II Of Ice and Men I helped him get to his feet and got him moving toward camp. He walked like a crippled man. I quickly pulled the cord attached to my pack and it came up full of water. I turned it upside down and jammed the frame into the snow. I left the rifles...

Can Sporting Breed Puppies Eat Adult Dog Food?

Can Sporting Breed Puppies Eat Adult Dog Food?

Can Sporting Breed Puppies Eat Adult Dog Food? SPONSORED CONTENT: Sporting breed puppies are bred and trained to work. As a result, they have very different nutritional needs from those of a future house dog. Puppy formulas are typically more nutrient dense when...

Baked Squirrel

Baked Squirrel

BAKED SQUIRREL Mom often fixed fried squirrel, and when served with side dishes of biscuits, milk gravy made with the drippings from the squirrel, sweet potatoes and turnip greens, it was among my favorite meals. However, I liked her baked squirrel even better, and...

Of Ice and Men: Part I

Of Ice and Men: Part I

Part I Of Ice and Men Just being in grizzly bear country gives one enough to stay awake about. Most dangerous of all North American game, the grizzly across a land that can present an equal peril. Western Alaska’s overwhelming of isolated hills and drainages — empty,...

The Book That Humbled Hemingway

The Book That Humbled Hemingway

When Hemingway read this book, he said: "She has written so well, and marvelously well, that I was completely ashamed of myself as a writer . . . [Markham] can write rings around all of us who consider ourselves as writers . . . It is really a bloody wonderful book."...

Beyond the Boundaries

Beyond the Boundaries

"But there was something there — a different kind of contemporary realism." Imagine for a moment that you and I are with artist Adriano Manocchia, relaxing on Adirondack chairs under the eave of the porch at his house in Cambridge, New York, a double haul from the...



STREAKED MEAT DUTCH OVEN POTATOES Pork was the staple meat of my boyhood, and that was true not just in my family but for country folks across much of the Southeast  in general. While a pig offered plenty of variety in terms of “meat on the table,” with dishes...

Streaked Meat Milk Gravy

Streaked Meat Milk Gravy

Some Culinary Musings on Pork Pork was the staple meat of my boyhood, and that was true not just in my family but for country folks across much of the Southeast  in general. While a pig offered plenty of variety in terms of “meat on the table,” with dishes including...

Dead Fish Tell No Lies

Dead Fish Tell No Lies

To think that this box might hold Harry's legendary Atlantic salmon was too much for the club members to bear. Postmortem jurisprudence. I believe that’s what they call it. This "executor of a will" responsibility is indeed an objectionable bit of business. "Damn it,...

Traditional Mountain Cornbread

Traditional Mountain Cornbread

TRADITIONAL MOUNTAIN CORNBREAD Across much of the country, and certainly in rural regions of the South, cornbread has long been a staple. For the sportsman, it goes wonderfully well with venison chili or any type of game soup or stew. The keys to making really good...

Haunting On the Big Two-Hearted

Haunting On the Big Two-Hearted

I am a confirmed cynic when it comes to supernatural and paranormal malarkey. However... It began innocently enough, as such things often do I suppose. Tom Davis, a contributing editor to this magazine, called me about taking over an article he was unable to do, a...

Venison Loin Steaks With Raspberry Sauce

Venison Loin Steaks With Raspberry Sauce

VENISON LOIN STEAKS WITH RASPBERRY SAUCE 1 pound loin steaks 1/3 cup Dale’s Steak Seasoning 1/3 cup water ½ stick butter 1 garlic clove, minced ½ cup raspberry jam Marinate loin in Dale’s Steak Seasoning and water; drain. Melt the butter and add garlic. Sauté briefly....

The Little Devil – Bad Bets

The Little Devil – Bad Bets

The bets we had made put my much-needed expense money at serious risk. Since I had the responsibility of managing the canoe and could only cast while it was drifting freely, I was at a considerable disadvantage. You had to admire Jack Fincassel. He was the hardest...

Redfish Filets with Lemon Tabasco Butter

Redfish Filets with Lemon Tabasco Butter

A Springtime Staple: Redfish Filets with Lemon Tabasco Butter Spring is in the air and that means fishing season is in full swing here in the lowcountry. A South Carolina staple, Redfish are an incredibly fun species to catch and also make for delicious table fare....

Venison Calzone

Venison Calzone

VENISON CALZONE 3/4 - 1-pound ground venison 1/2 cup chopped onion 1/2 cup sliced fresh mushrooms 1 clove garlic, minced 1/4 cup venison kielbasa 1/4 teaspoon Italian seasoning 1/4 teaspoon oregano 1 14-ounce jar tomato and basil spaghetti sauce 1 8-ounce package...

Nearing the Nimbus

Nearing the Nimbus

She had made it all possible. She was the melody of his song. And ever she watched and waited for him, in a warm, yellow kitchen. It is dark below. Raindrops clamor helplessly at the small window by his shoulder, driven in itinerant streaks across the glass by the...

Son of the South

Son of the South

Son of the South:Reminiscences of a Southern Sportsman follows the life of one of North Carolina's most outstanding hunters and fishermen-conservationists Bob Gordon. At 82, the stories of his hunting adventures in North Carolina and way beyond take shape in a sort of...

Honey Pecan Mountain Trout

Honey Pecan Mountain Trout

HONEY PECAN MOUNTAIN TROUT 2 pounds of trout fillets or, with small fish, split down the middle and remove as many bones as possible. 1/2 cup all-purpose flour Salt and pepper to taste 1/2 cup finely ground pecans 1 egg or egg white, beaten Butter, softened Honey...

African Elephant Hair Bracelets

African Elephant Hair Bracelets

Designed after the original African Elephant Hair Bracelets dating back over 1200 years it was believed that wearing these bracelets would protect against harm, sickness, and misfortune. The four knots symbolizes the powerful forces of life: the sun, wind, fire, and...