Old Timer

Old Timer

He didn't look 80 years or more; he had the timeless quality of vigorous old age, the look of extended youth often seen on the faces of old men who have preserved some boy thoughts, particularly boy thoughts upon nature... Mill and I had finished our sandwiches and...

How Dogs Tell Time

How Dogs Tell Time

Yes, dogs can tell time. Unless you’ve been living under a rock or deep inside a cave, it’s a well-known fact that dogs can tell time. I know that every morning between 6 and 7am, it’s time to eat. My empty stomach gives me the clue. Then around 10 or 10:30am, I go...

Luther Kelly Hall

Luther Kelly Hall

“When fishing, we each have our own moments of terror, drama, introspection, and comedy.”

Barbara Marks

Barbara Marks

Marks reflect culture, geography, and wildlife in her paintings and sculptures.

Shawn McAvoy

Shawn McAvoy

Sculptures that capture a deep respect for the natural world with every detail.

Vertical Gun Racks

Vertical Gun Racks

This long gun rack fits all standard rifles, shotguns, muzzle loaders, ARs, AKs, scoped guns, BB guns, and airsoft guns. Great for display or concealment and easy access, these gun racks are the perfect gun storage and space saving solution. Made in the USA, the...

The Rise of Hipster Hunters

The Rise of Hipster Hunters

A new brand of sportsmen has begun taking to the field. Hunting embodies many ideas — tradition, camaraderie, stewardship, self-reliance — but it has never placed much emphasis on staying abreast with movements or trends beyond the scope of the outdoors. And this, in...

The Great Takeover

The Great Takeover

Dogs are prone to move in — and take over. Ever since your hooman ancestors — the cave dwellers — pushed aside the huge mastodon skin and invited my ancestors — the huge wolf — into your caves, dogs like me have moved in and taken over. It’s debatable whether those...

Classic Alaska Charters

Classic Alaska Charters

Typical June Family Trip with Classic Alaska Charters... Booking now for 2024! SPONSORED CONTENT: Classic Alaska Charters has long been the sportsman’s best choice for affordable overnight Alaska fishing charters in Southeast Alaska’s Ketchikan and Misty Fiords...

Lowcountry Tales

Lowcountry Tales

A tangled tale from the Carolina Lowcountry where writing runs deep in the blood. Half-moon of July, a low tide at noon, glaring blight sun and nary a breeze to ruffle the waters of Port Royal Sound. Piney islands shimmer in distant heat waves, surf grumbles far...

Suspense and Singing in the Bushveld

Suspense and Singing in the Bushveld

This was not our first safari, but this one was far more complex. We would hunt Cape buffalo, our first endeavor of such magnitude. Situations can quickly get out of hand when hunting Cape buffalo. This possibility is particularly enhanced when the pursuit is...

Binding An Elephant

Binding An Elephant

After long days of hunting with no luck, it finally took a bit of native sorcery to make the difference on an elephant hunt. The flight from Atlanta to Johannesburg provides those unwilling to embrace the charms of Ambien with ample opportunity to think. In point of...

Summer is on the Horizon

Summer is on the Horizon

Warm days, lots of wading rivers to fly fish and being outdoors are soon to come. While winter seems to be dragging on and on, and the temperature was a single-digit number outside my house — known as The Cameron House to many — the other morning, but I smell summer...

Eastern Panther – Myth, Ghost, Legend

Eastern Panther – Myth, Ghost, Legend

The Lowcountry panther entered my dreams and my life. Haunting me when I slept, quickening my pulse and step when I was alone in the swamps come sundown. Daytimes, the Old Man looked off into middle distance. Nights, he gazed deep into campfire flames. He held us...

Tyee and the Salmon of 30+ Pounds

Tyee and the Salmon of 30+ Pounds

Tyee is the Indian name for a salmon of 30 pounds or more. No one has come very close to the mark. It seemed to make sense. From the time of the early Indians, Barkley Sounders have called a 15-pound or better chinook salmon a "smiley." Maybe the smiles would come...

The Profound Impact of Hunting

The Profound Impact of Hunting

Hunting sculpts intrigue into incomparable adventure, places us center stage, and folds us into the metamorphosis. At the New York office of Blount, Reynolds, and Poirer, the torch of jurisprudence will pass to eager young associates for a spell. The senior partners...

Overly Excited for Bird Hunts

Overly Excited for Bird Hunts

I get excited when I hunt, smell and see birds. Doves, for example, really excite me. There’s lots of shooting, often lots of birds flying and sometimes birds falling when Mike finally hits one on the wing. I get so excited I often start spinning around in...

John Bryan is Wild in Wood

John Bryan is Wild in Wood

If John Bryan was looking for the easy way out, he never would have tried to make it as a sporting artist in wood. But then again, this is a guy whose favorite quarry is the ruffed grouse, whose idea of fun and games is slashing through thickets of alder and oak in...

NEW! Thunder Without Rain By Thomas McIntyre

NEW! Thunder Without Rain By Thomas McIntyre

New Release! Click Here to Buy Now “When you hear thunder without rain–it is the buffalo approaching.” This line from a Yoruba hunting poem conveys the magnificent power of the African buffalo, also called “God’s cattle.” Hunter and writer Thomas McIntyre has pursued...

The Odyssey of An Artist

The Odyssey of An Artist

"From the very beginning, being an artist was my first choice." You can tour the most discriminating galleries, visit the most thoughtfully-curated exhibitions. As you walk these clean, well-lighted places, you stop, as much from duty as interest, to study the artwork...

An Old Parker Finds New Life

An Old Parker Finds New Life

To restore or not, that is the question. How many times have each of us thought about having a fine old gun refinished only to be cautioned that having it reblued or restocked will diminish its value? Several years ago at a small gun show in a church social hall, I...

Rambling Boy and an Island in the Sun

Rambling Boy and an Island in the Sun

He was a rambling boy. They called him Kid Carolina. Dick Reynolds, officially Robert Joshua Reynolds Jr., born to wealth and privilege. He was the eldest son of the North Carolina tobacco magnate of the same name, the creator of Prince Albert pipe tobacco and Camel...

Seeking and Watching Huns

Seeking and Watching Huns

I like huns. Like, a lot. And bacon. While the past fall hunting season has faded, and next fall is buried behind many pages of the calendar, I still like the opportunity to go out and find birds. My new strong interest is seeking huns, alias Hungarian partridges or...

The Silent Spring of Paint Bank

The Silent Spring of Paint Bank

Folks talk about it still. The nights were the blackest anyone could remember. But there was not a star in the sky. Mountain hollows rang with banjo music. Yet, no one could be found. Each evening at midnight the bell at Humphrey's Chapel tolled ... the rope left...

Betrayal and Death Hunt Unseen

Betrayal and Death Hunt Unseen

An insensible threat was at fore, a primordial evil. The calico dog stopped dead-still, using the dusky shadows of the bush to secret himself from the revealing glimmer of the building moon. He had the fragile night breeze in his nose. On it had been borne the...

Time for Spring Antler Hunts

Time for Spring Antler Hunts

It's that time of year, ladies and gentlemen, when we hunt for the hidden gems! While the fall and winter hunting seasons have faded into memory and geese and ducks are starting to reverse their wandering course and now fly north, I have the strong urge to head...

The Legacy Of Ruth Leupold

The Legacy Of Ruth Leupold

But of all Portland’s personalities, Ruth Leupold was very likely the best known. In 1991, Ruth Leupold passed away in Portland at the age of 89. During her lifetime, Portland had its share of notable personalities — such as famed photographer/naturalist William L....

The Guns Of The Celebrities

The Guns Of The Celebrities

In 1939, before the U.S. entered World War II, movie star Robert Montgomery enlisted in London for American field service and drove ambulances in France until the Dunkirk evacuation. In a break from helping British heroes, he acquired a pair of guns from James Purdey...

Maynard Reece’s Legacy Is Protected Habitat

Maynard Reece’s Legacy Is Protected Habitat

In all of art history, never has there been a more venerable emblem of wildlife conservation than the tiny U.S. Federal Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp. Invented by an American sportsman during the Dust Bowl to protect habitat for migratory birds, revenue generated...

The Great Emu War

The Great Emu War

Ugly, shaggy, wide in the hips, quarrelsome, six feet tall, prone to grunting, sneaky as the cagiest Appalachian gobblers, with spurs that can rip down steel fences and a brain the size of a small walnut ... no, not your mother-in-law, but potentially a new game...

The Butt of the Joke

The Butt of the Joke

Only when Mike pushed me did I stop. He was saving me from an embarrassing error. I like to hunt, and even enjoy going to deer and elk camps, though pesky hooman rules keep me from participating in most of the hunting action. I like chasing deer, elk, pronghorns (fill...

Most Embarrassing Mistake In Gunmaking

Most Embarrassing Mistake In Gunmaking

For gunmaker Al Biesen, misspelling Jack O’Connor’s name was a tiny mistake, but something he would never be able to live down. Spokane was as far from her family as my rightfully cautious bride would move, at least in the direction of Montana’s elk country, so we set...

Benelli New Super Black Eagle 3

Benelli New Super Black Eagle 3

Benelli’s New 3-inch-chambered 28-gauge Super Black Eagle 3 brings with it an unmistakeable air of confidence to its owner.  SPONSORED CONTENT Benelli’s new 3-inch-chambered 28-gauge Super Black Eagle 3 semi-auto shotgun combines professional-level performance with a...

The Smile of Death in Africa

The Smile of Death in Africa

Largest of all reptiles, the crocodile is arguably the deadliest creature ever to walk or swim the face of the earth. Water beckons to most of the world. The inland bodies: lakes, streams, rivers and ponds, shimmer blue and tempting, time of passage, a respite from...

Eleven Timely and Timeless Sculptors

Eleven Timely and Timeless Sculptors

No art form can touch all people with the same force, but it would be hard to imagine a medium with more universal appeal than the bronze statue. It can be sculpted into a delicate hummingbird resting on a tabletop, heaped and hewn into a life-size grizzly guarding a...

Buffalo Dream, Bison Nightmares

Buffalo Dream, Bison Nightmares

No time to fart or fumble, on my belly with a beast that had tried to kill a man only the day before. Willard Sumption had a buffalo ranch a little south of Aberdeen in that rolling country east of the Missouri breaks. Willard had one bad eye from the time two of his...

EUKANUBA Launches Ambassador Program

EUKANUBA Launches Ambassador Program

EUKANUBA is announcing its Ambassador program at the EUKANUBA GEAR UP Summit in Nashville, TN on March 7-9. Bringing together an influential group of top sporting industry professionals this program aims to educate on the research that goes into EUKANUBA's Premium...

The River Collector

The River Collector

It was not a conscious choice, but it seems that I have been building a collection. It is a collection of trout rivers. The collection was started almost 50 years ago, the summer our family rented a cedar shingle cottage on a small Michigan lake. Lily pads filled its...

Jim Kasper On Sentimental Journeys

Jim Kasper On Sentimental Journeys

It seems ironic that Jim Kasper would look at any painter's life with envy. It would only seem natural to assume that the prime source of inspiration for an animal artist would be, well, animals. And Minnesota artist Jim Kasper has indeed been inspired by a host of...

When It Is Enough

When It Is Enough

We would hunt one last time in the morning, one last time before he went away. I would gift that to myself. How swiftly and irreversibly, Danny's season had arrived. From the day almost 10 years before, when first I had invested a portion of my heart in a fledgling...

Spring in the Tenth Legion

Spring in the Tenth Legion

From the middle of May until the first of the following March, a turkey gobbler is straight forward. He is reliable, he is sober and sedate and reasonable. There may from time to time pass through his head erotic flashes of pleasant passages last spring, but these...

Weapons of Mass Destruction

Weapons of Mass Destruction

These ears, they can be deadly — deadly annoying! Well, here goes: Weimaraners like me are well known for having big — make that huge — floppy ears. When I shake my head and flop my ears, no one can sleep through the resulting noise and turmoil. Mike told someone my...

Whiskey and Palaver at the Dying of the Sun

Whiskey and Palaver at the Dying of the Sun

“We had no lion tag and there was no game scout to give permission." Moses threw another load of sticks upon the coals. The fire crackled, sparks flew and smoke rolled. Zambia, in the valley of the Great Zambezi. Out on the sandbars, hippos were grunting up dates,...

EcoTour Adventures 2023 Digiscoping Workshop

EcoTour Adventures 2023 Digiscoping Workshop

Swarovski Optik’s Clay Taylor will be leading EcoTour Adventures' 2023 Digiscoping Workshop at Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks. EcoTour Adventures, along with Swarovski Optik, is partnering up with digiscoping phone case manufacturer Ollin for a six-day...

The Chance and Challenge for Kobus Moller

The Chance and Challenge for Kobus Moller

"To me, you should judge the painting by the emotion it creates." About a year ago, South African artist Kobus Moller arrived at a crossroads in his career. Though demand for his work was high and he was making a comfortable living from his art, Kobus was experiencing...