Dr. Richard and Desare Steckley traveled from Witchata, KS, to get a personalized King of Beasts while at the 2020 Dallas Safari Club Convention and Sporting Expo. “I bought [Banovich’s] Jewel of India at DSC last year,” says Deserae. “We’ve been to Africa several times and [Banovich’s] paintings are wonderful. I can look at his elephants and lions and know how lifelike he makes the animals appear.”

Cody Osborn (left), Marketing Manager for Walther, receives the company’s Award of Excellence presented by Ron Spomer.

The always affable and popular Sporting Classics Daily contributor Larry Weishuhn was on hand to speak with fellow hunters.


Christian Hogg, Director of Marketing (left) and Mike Painter, Senior Product Manager (right) accept a Sporting Classics Award of Excellence on behalf of Barnes Bullets.

If you’re a shotgunner, Gil, Vicki and now, Brian, Ash always have a must-attend seminar. “If you’re thinkin’, you’re missin’,” Gil likes to say about shotgunning. The Ashes have taken the confusion out of the visually confusing action of shooting a moving target by researching the science behind it and explaining things in easy-to-understand ways. “Follow you nose,” Ash says, then uses people watching a tennis match as an example of how our noses point to a moving object. The Ashes are confident that if you simply practice their Three Bullet Drill, Flashlight Drill and your gun mount twice a day for five minutes a day for 21 days, it will improve your sporting clays score by 30 percent and your field shooting by 50 percent.