Kansas State Parks Black Friday

Kansas State Parks Black Friday

There’s no better deal than “free” and this Friday, there’s no better place to snag that deal than at a Kansas state park. This Black Friday, Nov. 26, 2021, entrance fees will be waived at all Kansas state parks as part of the nationwide #OptOutside initiative. Kansas...
Robert Bonnie Confirmed USDA Undersecretary

Robert Bonnie Confirmed USDA Undersecretary

Robert Bonnie Confirmed USDA Undersecretary The National Wild Turkey Federation celebrates the Senate confirmation of Robert Bonnie as undersecretary of farm production and conservation for the U.S. Department of Agriculture. “Robert is supremely qualified for this...

Florida: New Hunting Opportunity

Opportunities to hunt small game are available this year at a new area in northwest Florida. The FWC is establishing Tate’s Hell – St. James Island Public Small Game Hunting Area in cooperation with the lead land manger, the Florida Forest Service. This 8,182-acre...
Michigan Buck Poacher Faces $60k

Michigan Buck Poacher Faces $60k

Police investigating an October domestic violence complaint discovered nine poached bucks in a barn located in Decatur. Michigan Buck Poacher Faces $60k after the Michigan Department of Natural Resources conservation officers determined the illegal, trophy deer...

Kansas – Big Game Permits

CBGP program gives organizations chance to draw one of seven special big game permits, can be sold to raise funds for conservation projects. Local chapters of nonprofit organizations based or operating in Kansas – that actively promote wildlife conservation and the...
Deer Hides Benefit Disabled Vets

Deer Hides Benefit Disabled Vets

Deer Hides Benefit Disabled Vets Hunters donated nearly 4,000 deer hides to Elks Lodges across Iowa last year, which was a slight decrease from the 2020-2021 season. The deer hides are used by the Veterans Leather Program to make professionally-crafted leather gloves...
GFP Shares Important December Dates

GFP Shares Important December Dates

GFP Shares Important December Dates – several major dates individuals need to be aware of as GFP transitions to a new e-commerce system. The new e-commerce system is called Go Outdoors South Dakota and will go live December 15, 2021. This system combines the...
Save Our Lakes Program

Save Our Lakes Program

Save Our Lakes Program The Save Our Lakes program was created to help address water quality issues throughout the state. It consists of multiple parts, each of which have flexibility built in. The program is available to private individuals that own land around many...
Roque Bluffs State Park Expanded

Roque Bluffs State Park Expanded

The Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry (DACF) is excited to announce that the Roque Bluffs Bureau of Parks and Lands (BPL) has acquired Pond Cove Island.  The 50-acre Pond Cove Island, located in Englishman Bay, Washington County (44.615,...
In-Season Scouting – An Important Habit

In-Season Scouting – An Important Habit

Why In-Season Scouting? Though we don’t like to, it’s a far better option to spend a day scouting than continuing to hunt unproductive spots. Last season I wrapped up a three-day Georgia public-land deer hunt in mid-October only seeing a few does and two small...