by Ron Schara | Oct 3, 2024
If only old tree stands could talk, imagine the stories they could tell. Stories about opening days, big bucks, little bucks, deer killed, deer missed. Maybe even stories about what thoughts pass through a hunter’s mind as time goes by sitting in a deer stand. The...
by Ron Schara | Nov 3, 2020
No two hunting stories are the same. This may explain why those of us who hunt are rich with a bank full of distinct memories. No two hunting stories are ever alike. For good reason. Ruffed grouse roosted in the aspens never take the same flight path. A whitetail buck...
by Ron Schara | Sep 4, 2020
At Elkhorn Outfitters, there’s a hunting guide, With a full face beard, And a horse to ride. He isn’t short, And he isn’t slim. But today he’s known As Trapper Jim. It happened one night In a hunting shack High in the mountains, A range known as Black....