by Ron Spomer | Jun 2, 2021
Motor softly and carry a big stick when you’re in croc-infested waters.
by Ron Spomer | May 20, 2021
Giving new techniques a try at the famous FTW Ranch in Texas.
by Ron Spomer | May 7, 2021
Eight tips for pulling the trigger faster and more accurately.
by Ron Spomer | Apr 15, 2021
The .300 Remington Ultra Magnum is a monster. But it’s attracting a lot of attention and gaining a lot of fans. Why?
by Ron Spomer | Apr 12, 2021
Three cartridges that will make long-range shooting a breeze.
by Ron Spomer | Mar 19, 2021
It’s not what I’m hunting so much as where I’m hunting. And it’s not where I’m hunting so much as that I’m hunting. “Ron, what is your favorite hunt? What do you like to hunt most?” Readers and viewers often ask me that. It’s a legitimate question for which I’ve never...
by Ron Spomer | Feb 24, 2021
Why would any 21st century woman want to hunt?
by Ron Spomer | Feb 3, 2021
If the bullet fails, even the world’s most expensive rifle and advanced scope are superfluous. So how do you choose the ideal hunting bullet? How do you choose the ideal hunting bullet? A reader recently asked the following: Good day. I enjoy your articles Ron, but I...
by Ron Spomer | Jan 15, 2021
Aging bucks on the hoof is as much art as science. You won’t get it right every time, but keep trying.
by Ron Spomer | Jan 7, 2021
And an effective alternative.