Blacktail Bait with Wine Grapes
Blacktail hunting in California vineyards is an uncommon pursuit because California vineyard blacktails are an uncommon animal. Texans have a saying. Don’t Californicate Texas. Keep your ground hugging Ferraris, man buns and cappuccinos on the Left Coast. Texas is the...
Best Little Aoudad Hunt, Texas
Wild sheep and sheep country have inspired a rich tradition of longing, struggle and adventure, perhaps a richer tapestry of hunting lore and literature. Some of it even true. Bighorns. Dall’s. Stone’s. Desert. Argalis. Snow sheep. These are the regal rams of fevered...
AllTerra Carbon Rifle in 6.5 PRC
Say what you will in praise of the newest chassis rifle from, oh, say Bergara. Or the strongest big bore lever-action from Bighorn Armory. Or the lightest bolt-action from Weatherby or Barrett. All might be fine, precise, rugged, accurate. Spectacular tools, the best...
Hunters with Attitude
Hunters with an attitude. Imagine that. Attitude isn’t everything, but it seems to add a few hundred feet per second to muzzle velocity and at least that many foot-pounds of kinetic energy to any bullet. Evidence for that comes from dozens of hunters who respond...
The 6.5 Grendel: A Deer Hunting Surprise
Super Bowl punch from a Pee Wee round.

Something Old, Something New
The loved and despised 6.5 Creedmoor seems to have started it. This new cartridge craze. This reinvention of the tried and true. And now the 6.5 PRC, 6.5 RPM, 6.5-300 Weatherby, 26 Nosler…. “It’s just those gun and ammo companies trying to gin up sales!” But of...
Magnum Velocity Bags Shooters, Not Game
It’s a fact that magnum velocity and terminal projectile energy don’t matter much. So why do we have all these magnum velocity cartridges? We hunters often like to point out that magnum velocity and terminal projectile energy don’t matter much because the game...
8 Essential Rifle Skills
Practice doesn’t make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect.

Best African Safari Clothing
Pack light and pack right for your next trip to the Dark Continent.