Improved Cylinder or Screw-In Chokes?
I generally regard screw-in choke tubes to be one of the greatest inventions since sliced bread. They lend a degree of versatility to shotguns that we could only dream of “back in the day.” I usually shun them on classic side-bys, but that’s probably just for...
Slow is Smooth. Smooth is Fast.
A while back, I was quail hunting with a young friend who was struggling mightily with the little brown bullets. We were finding plenty of bobwhites in the piney woods of South Georgia, but my pal just couldn’t seem to get the hang of it. It wasn’t that he was a bad...
Dispatch from the Southern Alps, South Island, New Zealand
News from my annual flight from summer’s heat.

Shooting Benelli’s New 828U
It’s unlike anything you’ve ever seen, or shot, before.

Back to the Wilds of Africa
The author is heeding the siren’s call to return to the Dark Continent.

The Wild Bunch in Dallas
Wrapping up another successful convention with the Dallas Safari Club.

Sweet Sixteen, All Over Again
The author provides a sneak peek at one of Browning’s hottest new products.

More Simple Tricks to Up Your Average on Doves
More sage advice from Sporting Classics’ shotguns columnist.

Two Simple Tricks to Up Your Average on Doves
Do these and you’ll eliminate three-fourths of your misses.