The Most Expensive Sporting Arms

The Most Expensive Sporting Arms

Have you ever noticed how any time there’s a gathering of outdoorsmen, an argument always breaks out? The B.S. level rises with each successive opinion, and pretty soon, things get heated. It happens all the time at Sporting Classics. The problem is, we’ve got so many...
Syren Julia

Syren Julia

I was just a youngster when I first noticed that men and women were different. Long before I encountered puberty, I noticed that women thought differently than men. And acted differently, too. My daddy was a stern disciplinarian, but somehow, he seemed to “get me”...
Where the Clouds Are Birds

Where the Clouds Are Birds

I think I know what Otis Redding had on his mind when he crooned “Sittin’ on the dock of a bay.” Only there’s no dock here. There’s no bay either, but I’m sitting on a high bluff overlooking the Parana River in Argentina, takin’ the rest of the day off.  Mi amigos...
The Rodney Dangerfield of Gamebirds

The Rodney Dangerfield of Gamebirds

If I may indulge in the slightest understatement, I’ve been around a while. And I’ve seen a few things. Not as many as some, but more than most. I’ve been lucky enough to have gunned birds all over the world, and there aren’t a great many species that I haven’t hunted...
Weatherby Orion

Weatherby Orion

As far back as I can remember, the Weatherby name has been associated with high-quality rifles. Roy Weatherby was one of the great innovators of his day, and an early proponent of super-high-velocity rifles. That’s how the Weatherby name was made! Roy is long gone...
Cosmi Shotgun from Nighthawk

Cosmi Shotgun from Nighthawk

The Cosmi is a premium grade Italian-made semi-auto that’s primarily built by hand — a slim and sleek firearm as fine as a Swiss watch. SPONSORED CONTENT I learned the value of quality a long, long time ago. For a lot of practical and aesthetic reasons, it pays to...
A Great Double Barrel Shotgun That’s Affordable

A Great Double Barrel Shotgun That’s Affordable

With the Autumn, Fabarm is filling a hole in the shotgun market with an eminently satisfying double barrel shotgun that’s affordable. It’s a peculiar thing, but for many years, newly made, well-constructed double barrel shotguns have been as scarce as the...
The Do-It-All 12 Gauge

The Do-It-All 12 Gauge

All the gauges are useful for some purpose or other, and I love ’em all. But a twelve? A twelve will do damn near anything! A while ago, I reviewed Remington’s 12-gauge, V3 Tac 13. Despite its short barrel and abbreviated stock, I found it to be a truly versatile...
Snow Days

Snow Days

I was thinking about the coming season a few days ago and, as usual, it occurred to me that I might have a chance or two to hunt in snow. It’s still hot in Georgia, but snow is coming. Dear Lord, do I love to hunt in snow! I guess it’s a little surprising to hear a...