The world’s most watched outdoor television series embarks on an unforgettable safari adventure in Tanzania as Chris Dorsey and Steve Hicks hunt myriad plainsgame on this week’s episode of Sporting Classics with Chris Dorsey on Outdoor Channel. The two intrepid...
Sponsored Content If you’re out to score a trophy buck, outwit a black beard or engage in battle with a lunker bass then take to the back roads of Alabama’s Black Belt—a region that delivers both wild adventures, lazy pleasures, better stories and the best of...
Get ready for an epic adventure in Greenland as Chris Dorsey and friends hunt eider and muskox in this week’s episode of Sporting Classics with Chris Dorsey on Outdoor Channel. The team of Dorsey, Terry Graunke, Steve Farris and Charlie Potter navigate through...
It is an epic celebration of ducks and geese at the top of the flyway as Chris Dorsey and friends hunt waterfowl in Saskatchewan in this week’s episode of Sporting Classics TV. Catch the action Monday at 12:30 pm, Tuesday 7:30 am, Thursday 2:30 pm, and Sundays...
This remarkable collection of six original paintings, believed to be the work of renowned American artist A.B. Frost, once adorned the walls of a grand mansion in Scranton, Pennsylvania. The mansion was owned by Frank M. Vandling, a prominent Postmaster General of the...
Chris Dorsey and Steve Hicks return to Tanzania in pursuit of massive Cape buffalo, and are joined by an experienced big game hunter who is baptized into the world of dangerous game. Check out Sporting Classics with Chris Dorsey on Outdoor Channel every Monday at...
SPONSORED CONTENT My wife constantly asks, “Has anything cool shown up at the gallery lately?” and the answer is always “Yes!” She oversees a hospital lab so it’s not like factory .410 Winchester Model 21’s (pictured above) or complete Winchester Cartridge Boards...
This week’s episode of Sporting Classics with Chris Dorsey features three hunters in pursuit of black bear as Dorsey invites Sporting Classics Magazine CEO Duncan Grant and COO Wayne Nanney to join him for an unforgettable adventure in Saskatchewan. Check... Denver, Colorado– Chris Dorsey appeared as a guest on the popular Kim Monson Show podcast and radio program to discuss Colorado’s shortsighted Proposition 127, and the overall problems...
This week’s episode of Sporting Classics with Chris Dorsey features a dream fulfilled for the lucky winner of SCI’s Adventure of a Lifetime Sweepstakes with a hunt for big game in New Zealand and an impressive haul of prizes. Check out Sporting Classics...