Arthur Burdett Frost – The Sportsman’s Artist

Arthur Burdett Frost – The Sportsman’s Artist

A. B. Frost’s paintings captured all the tenseness & humor of sporting situations while retaining the natural characteristics of the hunter & the hunted. Because of the artist’s familiarity with human nature, his love for the sport and the...
Rediscovering Phillip Russell Goodwin

Rediscovering Phillip Russell Goodwin

For many years after Goodwin’s death, he was largely ignored in art circles. His “real” specialty,” he told a friend, was painting “hunting scenes with action” for sporting goods calendars. Yet wildlife, hunting, fishing, and...
Theodore Roosevelt and A Great Adventure

Theodore Roosevelt and A Great Adventure

Roosevelt had said, “I want Uncle Sam to have a better African collection than anybody else”; he accomplished his purpose. Well-known African explorer-hunter Carl Akeley, a contemporary of Theodore Roosevelt, had a simple answer about why Roosevelt’s...